19. Surprise of a Lifetime

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Where the hell is it?" Meredith wailed, as she looked through her locker and her pockets. She even looked in her shoes.

It was gone.


She sat down heavily on the bench and tried to control her breathing. In and out, in and out. Okay.

She went through her routine that day. She had dressed in her scrubs, the ring still securely on her finger. She had done rounds, gotten an assignment, scrubbed in, put her ring on the safety pin on her scrub top...then what?

She had come back in, spoke to Cristina, who had given her a shaken up drink, and then Meredith had taken off her shirt and given it to Cristina...

Meredith gasped.

Who had offered to take it to the laundry!

Shit. Fuck. Damn!

Her ring was probably in a massive washing machine with several other uniforms. And if someone was dishonest than she would never see her one of a kind engagement ring again.

Meredith felt tears swell in her eyes but she sniffed them back and headed down to the basement to see if she could find her top and hopefully unwashed.


An hour later, Meredith had found her top, safety pin included, but no ring.

It was gone.

Derek was going to be so upset.

Her phone rang just then and she withdrew it from her pocket.

Speaking of the devil.

She cleared her throat and answered it.

"Hello?" She cringed at how off her voice sounded.

"Hey." She could practically see his grin.

"Hi." She said unnecessarily.

"When you get off, I need to you to do something for me. Something came up and I can't do it."


"Can you go by the trailer and get my dark blue suit? We have company coming tomorrow and the Chief wants me to look appropriate, whatever that means."

"Isn't that in our closet at home?" She asked.

"No. I...um...moved it to the trailer when we were having...problems." He now sounded weird.

"Of course I will. Um...Derek...there's something I have to tell you."

"Thanks so much Mer. See you later. Love you." He hung up abruptly.

She looked at her phone in confusion and then set it aside and put her head in her hands.

She would just have to tell him later.


Two hours later found her getting wearily out of her car and entering the dark and quiet trailer. Well, it was supposed to be dark.

She froze upon opening the door. There were at least fifty little votive candles on various surfaces. She stood in confusion until she saw the note on the table with a bottle of champagne.

Here is to making all of your dreams come true.

Meet me outside in our place.


She grabbed the bottle of champagne and ventured outside. It was then that she saw the path of candles that were leading to their cliff. She walked slowly until she reached the clearing.

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