02 | ed sheeran

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'karasuno vb team'

sunshine☀️ added Shimizu Kiyoko,
Hitoka Yachi, Chikara Ennoshita,
Hisahi Kinoshita, and Kazuhito Narita

i added the rest of us!

miss kesha
nice job hinata :)

Hitoka Yachi
Hello everyone!

Hisahi Kinoshita
muting this shit
liked by Kazuhito Narita

Chikara Ennoshita
same lol but thanks hinata

aw ok

cute and sexy 😜
lol hayyy

hi (L/N)!!

cute and sexy 😜
just call me (Y/N) shoyo :)

ok (Y/N) :D

Hitoka Yachi
Oh who's this??

dumb blonde
thats the number hinata
mistook for mine

cute and sexy 😜
yupp hi i'm (Y/N) (L/N)

Hitoka Yachi
I'm Hitoka Yachi :)

(Y/N) goes to school with
bokuto and is friends with
him too

Hitoka Yachi
Really? That's cool!

cute and sexy 😜
speaking of bokuto
i asked him if he knew u guys
n he said he did n showed
me pictures of u guys so
who's the cute tall blonde 😍 is it
u hinata 😩

thats tsukishima 😐

dumb blonde
no that's me dumbass

cute and sexy 😜
nvm i take it all back

 cute and sexy 😜nvm i take it all back

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twins 🥵

kiyoko simp 2

dumb blonde
no i dont

cute and sexy 😜
yall r litrly the same person

dumb blonde
mf u called me cute??

cute and sexy 😜
n i took it back plus
i was always more into
personality anyways🙄

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