16 | body guard material

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ty u guys sm for 1k reads :)) ily

WAS ASS SO yeah i
need to get my grade up usually i
update every school day
before school starts
for me but now i just cant-
cus my mom is v upset :(
so expect the next update in
like 3 days or sum

"Tsuki maybe you do need a body guard."Kuroo said to the blonde who just pushed off a clingy girl who kept grabbing his arm, Tsukishima scoffed then looked at you for a split second thinking the idea of a girl who knew how to kick ass wouldn't make a terrible one.

"You think she's up for it"Tsukishima asked wiping the sweat off his forehead he stared as you tried to carry Bokuto on your back while your friends Itsuki and Yoji cheered you on, he smiled a bit. "Oya? Is Tsukishima smiling?"Kuroo poked his cheek ruining Tsukishima's train of thought, he sent Kuroo a glare then turned back to you who was suddenly having a planking competition with the entirety of Inarizaki's volleyball team. At this point if you knew what Kuroo and Tsukishima were talking about it looked like a try out of you showing off how good of a "body guard" you would be.

"Just ask her maybe Itachiyama's manager will help convince her for you, they're good friends after all."Kenma suggested pulling his mouth away from his water bottle.

  Tsukishima watched as you were the only one planking for a longer amount of time not even struggling while the boys next to you started dropping like flies. The difference between you and Irie was that she was annoying and all bark but no bite but you were annoying and all bark AND all bite, basically you were body guard material. You laughed in victory as the last person from Inarizaki's team Aran their ace finally dropped to the floor.

I got up and put my hands on my hips "Well would you look at that!"Aran rolled his eyes and stood up and Itsuki came up behind me with praise "You're so fucking cool!"Itsuki squealed as she clinged onto my arm. "Oi Itsuki come over here and keep score of our game!"Sakusa called for the short pink haired girl who rolled her eyes "Shut up or I'll spit on you."She growled, Sakusa tensed up but still glared at her making her groan and pull away from me. "Be right back!"She smiled and walked away I let out a huff and watched as our team did penalty dives not even noticing the pair of footsteps coming up from beind me.

"(Y/N)!"The very deep voice and large arms clung onto me making me go into panick and flip the large figure over my shoulder. The gym gasped and let out a hiss as they heard the loud slam on the ground. Tsukishima's jaw dropped when he watched you flip someone over your shoulder who was several times your size "Scary."Kuroo shivered "Body guard material."Kenma giggled a bit.

"Ow (Y/N)!"I finally realized who was on the ground "Matoi!"I gasped, my brother who groaned on the floor in his military uniform "Dude what the hell?"He whined and I quickly gave him a hand to help the big guy up, he finally stood up to his full height at 6'5 and looked down at me smiling before pulling me into a bone crushing hug "I missed you baby sister!~"He sang as he twirled us around "S-Sister-"Shoyo froze in terror at the big guy who looked like was choking you "Holy shit this guy is bigger in person."Atsumu's eyes went wide "Matoi!Hey hey hey!"Bokuto cheered and ran towards us.

Matoi let me go dropping me to the floor and engulfed the ace in a big hug "Kotaro!"He grinned "It's been forever man!"My brother said excitedly Bokuto nodded in agreement "Is Mitzuso here?"The two toned hair spiker asked "Yup I'm right here."A monotone voice said from behind me I turned around to see my oldest brother "Zuzu!"I smiled and ran to hug him Matoi pouted "They don't do that to me."The guy whined Mitzuso laughed and hugged me as I came crashing into his arms "You've grown."He says casually patting my head "How was the real thing?"I asked excitedly "Different from boot camp."My brother says "Well isn't it the (L/N) brothers!"Coach Yamaiji let out a deep chuckle and my brothers turned their head to their old volleyball coach "Yamaiji!"Matoi says excitedly and goes to hug him.

Mitzuso waves and I let go of him and we walk towards the others "(L/N) brothers... I knew those names sounded familiar."Suna says quietly but caught the attention of the twins who stood next to him shell shocked "What do you mean?"Osamu asks, "The (L/N) brothers were known in nationals for having an incredible defense they were both middle blockers."Suna explained, Atsumu gasped with his jaw wide open as he turned to the middle blocker. "They played volleyball!?"The blonde haired twin exclaimed and Suna nodded.

"Everyone thought they were gonna go pro but they both ended up going to the Military together I guess, even though their gap in age they stuck together- Matoi the younger one even went up a grade just to graduate with his brother."Osamu raised an eyebrow at Suna's words smirking a bit "Do you admire (Y/N)'s brothers?"He asked cockily making Suna develop a light blush on his cheeks "No piss off."He scoffed and walked away.

  "Okay get off Coach Yamiji now."I said to Matoi as he continued to squeeze the air out of our coach but he finally let him go and Coach Yamiji let out a huff while pointing his finger at him sternly "Don't do that again."Matoi nodded as he chuckled nervously "Anyways (Y/N) you look so much more different! Your middle school hair cut really suit you!"Matoi teased and my eye twitched in realization and I kneed him in the crotch hard making him groan and fall to the floor. Tsukishima gasped at the sight and held in his laugh while Kuroo let his out and Kenma turned away giggling. "You dick! You're the one who cut my hair! Fuck you!"I say kicking him in the arm with every word Matoi slapped the ground as a signal for me to stop and I did. "I'm sowy~"He pouted making me cringe "I'm gonna kick you in the face if you don't get up."I threatened the big guy.

"Yup definitely body guard material."Kuroo wiped his eyes as tears started to fall from all the laughing Tsukishima smiled "I guess they're hired then."Watching from a distance how you yelled at your brother who was on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness.


kay besties see u tmr 😏
or not ehehehe


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