03 | miss manager

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uh hay lol
this chapter might b long
i think


  "Oh no! Please this is terrible!"My mom cried from the livingroom "Not the church please don't go in there!"She wailed I eyed her and strapped my knee brace on, my dad walked behind her "Is that our wedding video?"He asked my mom who ignored him.

"Oh! (Y/N), Omiko by the way we're going to have dinner with an old high school friend of mine next month!"My mom called out to me looking past my dad "Did she just ignore me?"my dad asked himself then rolled his eyes "In a month? Is it that important?"I shouted back "Yes! We're gonna stay a night there too because there's this cool festival there!"She clapped her hands in excitement.

  "I'm going to work."He rubbed his hands onto his face and walked out the door comtemplating his life.

   My mom turned around at the noise watching as the door closed by itself.

"Was that a ghost?"She scratched the back of her head "Yup it's grandpa coming to haunt us again."I replied my sister came down the stairs and heard me "Our house is haunted?!"She exclaimed.

I shrugged and stood up straightening my uniform. "Alright I'm heading out."I said and grabbed my bag and made my way to the front door to put on my shoes. "(Y/N) you liar! You know I don't mess with spirits!"My sister screamed and grabbed a pillow from
the living room throwing it at me knocking me over since I was balancing on one leg.

   "You little shit-"I stood back up to throw it back at her "Watch that mouth (Y/N) or I'll rip out that tongue!"The short lady I call mother called out silently cursing under my breath I flipped my sister off and put my other shoe on and went outside shutting the door behind me.

  I sighed and opened the gate that was to my hips and started walking down the street to Bokuto's house which wasn't far of a walk as he only lived across the street and a few houses down. His house soon came to view and I started walking across the street not bothering to look both ways since it wasn't busy in the morning.

  Akaashi also happened to be waiting there. "Hey pretty boy."I called out as I made my way towards him "Oh (L/N) I was wondering if you slept in you're usually here before me."The black haired teen looked down to his side I shrugged "I was eating slow I guess."I responded Bokuto soon came running out his house.

  "Goodmorning guys!"Bokuto greeted swinging his muscular arms around Akaashi and I.

    "Morning."Akaashi responded but I slipped out of the bicolored haired boy's arm and punched him. "Ow!"Bokuto whimpered "What was that for?"He pouted I crossed my arms "For sending that Karasuno kid pictures of me when I was 13- I WAS UGLY WHEN I WAS 13!"I complained Bokuto smiled sheepishly "You know Karasuno?"Akaashi asked.

  I nodded "I was added to their groupchat by accident by this kid named Hinata Shoyo, he's a sweetheart!"Bokuto nodded in agreement "He's also super tiny but that kid can jump and Hinata and his setter can do this cool quick!"The boy added on I looked at him surpised "No way that's so cool, wish I could see it in person."I pouted Bokuto let go of Akaashi and ran in front of me.

  "Then become our team manager! You don't play volleyball anymore because you're leg is messed up anyways, so now you have time to hang out with us!"He pleaded for the hundredth time this school year. Ever since I messed up my dominate leg I couldn't play the same which sucked, not like I was attached to volleyball or anything but it was fun while it lasted. Bokuto gave me puppy dog eyes "Pleaseee besides this is my last year you have to be manager!"Akaashi chuckled and walked next to me "We're having a practice camp again with Karasuno, Nekoma, and this other school called Inarizaki before nationals."Akaashi added.

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