21 | me and bae

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i swear ur comments always
make me laugh wkdjwk

also ur body is beautiful ily
ill litrly kiss u
all u gotta do it ask <3


Everyone was eating the food sometimes there would be times people were chasing each other around because they stole someones food. I was sitting under the shade eating while talking, "Okay then what's better? Doing a crazy attack or a really good block?"Shoyo turned to Goshiki who raised an eyebrow at the ginger "I'm bias so attack."His bowl cut friend responded muching on the meat "What about you (Y/N) unbiased answer now!"Shoyo looked at me but i was busy trying on Tsukishima's glasses since I wanted to see how blind he was.

I hissed at the irritation his glasses caused my eyes to go through "I don't know as long as you score the point."I grumble while rubbing my eyes, "Dumbass I told you it would hurt, you're so annoying."Tsukishima shook his head putting his glasses back on "Look at you two lovebirds can't believe you guys are actually dating now."Yamaguchi smiled happily I knew Yams was happy that his friend found someone but Tsukishima and I tensed up.

No one knew we were pretending, well except Kuroo, Bokuto, Kenma, and Akaashi but besides the point people somehow actually believed it.

I turned away and looked down at Tsukishima's plate. He barely touched anything I pick up one of my uneaten barbecue and shove it in his face "What?"He looked down at me and the food I gave him a look "You're not eating."I say causally, Tsukishima scoffed and softly pushed my hand away "I'm not hungry."He responded causing me to shove the food into his mouth "Eat it bitch, I made this shit so take it."I say aggressively, people around us to look at the scene.

While I was force feeding Tsukishima he was silently cursing me out in his head with an obvious struggling look on his face while Yamaguchi laughed at his friend. I pulled the stick out his mouth and he yelled at me as he chewed "What the hell is wrong with you I said I wasn't hungry not force feed me psycho."Tsukishima glared at me irritated, "I made this shit so you're gonna fucking eat it."I quickly retort "Are you sure you two are dating?"Goshiki question while pointing at the both of us "Yes!"We both yell at the same time with an angry tone.

Realizing we raised our voices we looked at each other trying to process what just came out of our mouths. "I-I mean that yes we are a couple don't question our love language."I quickly cover looking away from Tsukishima while my face heated up "Love langua-"I cut Tsukishima off by shoving some veggies into his mouth making the poor blonde slightly choke "Yes b-because our love language is um... food!"I say while smiling making the boys and girls around us nod in understanding "Hey Akaashi do we have a love language?"Bokuto turned to the second year setter who's face turned a very light shade of pink at his captain's question "U-Um if you want."The black haired boy says quietly.

"Anyways let's go into the water, I am overheating aren't you all?"I get up asking my friends which some said they were gonna stay mostly the older guys but the girls said they were willing to go for a swim which caused almost all the guys to say they were in too, perverts.

The girls and I took off our shorts since we were already in our bathing suit tops which caused some blushing nose bleeding boys to look away "Quit staring at my sister you shit head!"I heard Yoji yell at Komori making Itsuki turn as pink as her hair. The ocean's water felt cool against the skin, it was refreshing we all started playing in the water splashing each other from time to time "Let's see who can hold their breaths underwater for the longest!"Bokuto suggested which some of the crazy guys agreed to in the end Yoji won him and his big ass lungs.

I then felt arms wrap around my shoulders making me look up to see a dripping blonde who's glasses were covered in salt water my stomach did flips and I some how managed to speak surprisingly "You didn't take off your glasses?"I questioned causing Tsuki to look down at me and shook his head "Then I wouldn't be able to see you."His comment sounded genuine making the voice in your head squeal from excitement. You could feel your face overheating so you looked down to hide it "Don't say things like that."Your voice was mumbled and Tsukishima smiled at the affect he had on you, he liked it.

He moved his hands down to your waist and rested his head onto your bare shoulder "Your skin is so soft."Tsukishima says softly, you felt like you could pass out at any moment his compliments and the way his voice made your heart flutter could make you burst from how intense your feelings felt for him. "If I'm gonna be honest I like how nice you're being now."You say laughing a bit, Tsukishima scoffed "If I'm gonna be honest."He began you turned your head to the side and your eyes flew wide open realizing how close his face was to yours and he was already looking at you, your heart started to beat faster.

"Maybe I do find you less annoying."Tsukiahima quickly smirked and I gasped thinking he was gonna say something cute "Oh piss off!"You say with an annoyed tone pushing away from the chuckling blonde "Cute."He said to himself while you hastily moved away from him.




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