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10 years later...
Summer of 2021

"That's it-"

"Okay look at each other just like that- perfect!"

"Hold that pose- beautiful!"

You looked up at Omiko who also looked at you with a straight face. "Good now press your faces together and look at the camera."The man behind the camera says snapping a couple photos, "Alright break!"A woman calls out and everyone let's out a sigh and you and your sister stand up straight and a woman comes to fix your dress shirt. "You guys looked great!"Lev came up to you two and you both thanked him and Alisa also came up to you guys with a smile giving back the ring with a diamond on it. "Thank you."You say putting the ring back on your finger, "Mama!"A child's voice calls which makes you shoot your head towards the direction of the voice.

"Hideki!"You smile getting low and opening your arms wide open to embrace the small boy. "Mama you look pretty!"Hideki grins, "Yeah your mama definitely looks pretty."A deep voice says with footsteps accompanying it you look up to see your husband, the one and only Kei Tsukishima. You and Kei have been married for three years and now have a four year old boy of your own, in high school you guys were able to maintain the long distance relationship really well. You never got to do volleyball again unfortunately and never inlisted into the military because your knee had gotten worse when you started playing volleyball again, and now you have a permanent limp but you no longer feel any pain. Kei helped you up and you gave him a small peck on the lips which made him smile "Miko can you take Hideki to try some of the pastries they have here?"You turn to your sister who was already holding your son who shot you a thumbs up before walking away with Hideki.

"How are you?"You immediately turn back to Kei who threw his arms around you and mumbled into the crook of your neck, "I'm fine."He sighed and you giggled wrapping your long arms around him, "Did you miss me?"You ask with a small laugh to which he didn't respond but only held you tighter. A couple things that you learned about your now husband was that he was pretty clingy but never admitted it, it was confusing at first but you had gotten used to it just by letting him hold you.

"By the way we're having dinner with Kenma and Itsuki."You pat his back and he pulled away with a scowl on his face, "Why this is the third time in a row."Kei grumbled and you raised an eyebrow, "Don't be like that, I know you enjoy their company."You reply and he bites the inside of his cheek, "But I'll enjoy your company, alone."Kei said suggestively, "I'll cancel."You say quickly and Kei chuckles at how fast you changed your mind. "Kidding you freak anyways, Kenma told me to tell you since you weren't picking up your phone that we're having dinner at some fancy restaurant with old friends."Kei said while pulling away with an amused look on his face. "Old friends like?"You question and then a couple familiar faces bursted through the back door, "Hey, Hey, Hey!"Bokuto stood proudly in front of the now wide open door where many friendly faces looked around in awe.

"Bokuto?!"You gasped and run towards the giant ace who engulfed you into a bear hug. "Holy shit I haven't seen you in forever!"You let out a small laugh, "Don't forget about me!"A small ginger called out and Bokuto put you down, "Shoyo!"You cheer and hugged the tanned male, "Awe you still give really good hugs."You relax into his arms.

"Hello to you too."Kenma crossed his arms as if he was upset you forgot about him, "Kenma shut up I saw you like hours ago."You glare at him, "Yeah yeah whatever let's go have dinner."He brushed it off and you and Shoyo break away after Kei gave Shoyo a nasty glare. "You look ugly from down here."Shoyo put his hands on his hips while looking up at Kei, "It would've been more insulting if you were at least six feet tall."The blonde smirks and you slap his arm as Shoyo yelled at your husband for insulting his height. "Get your man!"Shoyo scolded you and you laughed and linked arms with the blonde next to you, "Omiko can you watch Hideki tonight?"You turn around to see your sister and son fighting over the last chocolate croissant, you sweatdropped and looked back to your friends, "Okay let's just go eat!", and you all leave the studio.

kei 🤢

mr tsukishima
yo're so beutiful
i lobr u so muc
fook yo so perfict

mrs tsukishima
bruh u drunk 😝

mr tsukishima
yes puckne up pls
bocuto pssddddnout

mrs tsukishima
i shouldn't have let them
take you to the bar
omw bae 🚗💨

mr tsukishima

the end.


boring ik but i didnt know how to end it
cause at first it was gonna be
like a dinner where they all get fucked up but then i was like hmmm
why dont i just end it the way it started

anyways thank you so much for reading
i appreciate you all and thank you for
sticking to this i love you :)

check out my other stories if you wanna read some more i'd really appreciate that <3 anyways thank you
so much!!


𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐬 tsukishima kei ✔Where stories live. Discover now