14 | suprise shawty

28.9K 791 705

  My stomach was doing flips the moment the bus finally parked I shut out all the cheering from the boys to look out the window to see several other teams already outside their bus. My eyes scanned for a specific tall blonde with glasses but my search was cut short due to the teams all merging together to go into the gym making me huff in frustration as I sat still in my seat nervously looking down at the small cake I had made already making my hands sweat.

"Hey you coming?"I felt a hand on my shoulder to see a concerned Akaashi looking at me I hesitantly nodded "Y-Yeah just give me a few."I let out a shakey breath gripping onto my backpack "(Y/N) get off the bus already coach Yamiji needs you to prepare snacks in the cafeteria!"Bokuto yelled from the front of the bus catching Akaashi and I's attention I bit my lip and stood up slowly swinging the bag onto my shoulder and I grabbed the black jacket on my seat to hold it.

"Theres nothing to be worried about (Y/N) don't be so tense."Akaashi sighed moving out of the way for me to walk down the seats and off the bus "Sorry."I mumble grabbing my suitcase from underneath the bus compartments.

"Akaashi let's go!"Bokuto snatched Akaashi away leaving me with the rest of the managers and coaches "Alright do you girls mind bringing the boys belongings into the dormitories the doors have names for each school so you'll know where to put them also when you're done care to make some snacks for the teams?- Oh Suzumeda get started on those snacks actually."The coach asked clapping his hands together we all nodded as he gave us a smile and thumbs up and walked quickly to the gym.

"Hey can one of you guys give this to Tsukishima?"I asked the two third years "Yeah I'll take that to him, the tall blonde from Karasuno right?"Shirofuku asked and I nodded before she smiled and went off to deliver the cake.

I put down my belongings and started taking five heavy duffle bags putting one on my hands and the rest on my back "O-Oh are you sure you can carry that many?"Suzumeda asked in panick "Yup!"I smiled and parted ways from the girl.

"Oi (Y/N)!"A familiar female voice said happily I turned to my left to see Itsuki "Hey!"I greeted back I looked at her to see her carrying the same amount of bags the small girl showed off her strengh.

She walked with my to the sleeping areas while talking a bit "Oh yeah you remember my friend Kenma from yesterday the blonde one?"I asked while placing down the duffle bags in front of the fukurodani's room she placed her bags a few doors down and she hummed in response "Ok so he asked me if you would be down to pierce his ears."I turned to face her and she grinned "Hell yes!"She cheered grabbing my arm to do a few more trips back and forth to put our things away "I need to start making snacks for the teams."I huffed throwing my head back "Oh me too let me come with you or else the germophobe won't eat anything."Itsuki ran up to me as we made our way to the cafeteria to see Shirofuku, Suzumeda and a few others.

"Hey (Y/N) the guy you told me to give this to Tsukishima said he wants you to give it to him yourself."Shirofuku scratched the back on her head while giving back the container of cake Itsuki looked at me weird "Who the hell is Tsukishima and why the hell are you giving him cake?"She smirked I nervously laugh "W-Well he asked me to-"I looked away from her and to another place in the room where a girl glared at me making me even more nervous "Is that really what he told you Shiro?"I whined not really wanting to go to a gym full of guys "Yeah sorry~"She sang.

"Ah (Y/N) it's nice to see you here."A soft voice came up behind Shirofuku I looked down to see a black haired beauty who was known as Kiyoko or that's what she told me to call her looked up at me "Kiyoko!"I say in delight she smiled "Look at you Ms.Popular!"Itsuki nudged me while stuffing her hands into the back pocket of her light baggy jeans. "I can take you to the gym where the boys are if that'll make you less nervous."Kiyoko offered making my eyes go wide in surpise and such generosity making me nod my head rapidly "Yes please!"Itsuki giggled "I wanna come too! Let's go see this Tsukishima guy."Smacking my back as she started walking out the cafeteria doors Kiyoko motioned me to follow her so I did and on the short walk there my heart was thumping out of my chest I felt like I was going to explode.

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