Chapter 10

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(Y/N) sits in the darkness of her apartment. She's been wearing the same sweatpants and hoodie for over a week. Not having the strength to move from Crillah's room. Laying there ever since Leon left her. Her phone goes off making her sigh. Looking over, seeing that it was Rebecca who was calling.

"Hello?" (Y/N) speaks groggily, not wanting to talk to anyone.

"Hey, are you okay? You sound off." Rebecca asks.

"Sure," she says sitting up in bed. "Just living the best life." she continues sarcastically.

"Okay I'll be over in 5," Rebecca says, hanging up not waiting for a reply from the moping girl.

(Y/N) rolled out of the bed falling to the floor. Slowly standing up using the wall to help her. She feels even weaker now that she is standing upright. She walks to the kitchen grabbing the first thing for her to eat after a week of not eating. Biting into the apple she picked up she slowly starts to feel the smallest bit better.

She then walks to her room and changes into something clean to wear. As she was changing the doorbell rang throughout the house. Sighing heavily she put on her shirt and walked towards the door. Slowly opening the door seeing that it wasn't who she thought it was but seeing that it was Alex and her brother Piers.

"Well you look like shit," Piers says with a smirk.

"Good to see you too, assface," (Y/N) replies with an eye roll gesturing for the siblings to come inside.

"Are you okay? You do look pretty bad," Alex asks with concern written over her face. "Did something happen after I left?"
"Yeah," she replied, short and simple. "He happened."

Piers overhears the two girls talking as he sits down on the sofa. Staring at them trying to figure out what (Y/N) meant by "he happened". Not feeling comfortable asking what they are talking about. So he just listened until their voices got really quiet.

"He kissed me then left." (Y/N) told Alex.

"He kissed you?!" she shouted, making both Piers and (Y/N) jump.

Before anyone could speak any further into this topic there was a knock on the front door. (Y/N) knowing who's at the door walks over opening it. Being greeted by a bone-crushing hug from Rebecca. When Rebecca let go of (Y/N) she saw the other two standing off to the side. "I didn't know you had other people come over," she whispers to (Y/N).

(Y/N) just shrugged, not really knowing what to say at the moment. The four of them just stand there not saying anything in a very awkward silence. (Y/N) finally breaks that silence by walking away into the kitchen to get herself a bottle of water. Unbeknownst to her Piers followed in after her.

"Can I ask what happened?" he asked, leaning against the countertop.

"Boy problems. You know the usual," she told him, taking a sip of water. "Nothing I can't handle, Piers."

"Was that why you looked so horrible this morning?"

"Maybe," she stated shrugging. "Honestly I don't care much anymore. He acted as if he wanted me but then he drove off without a word." Forcing a smile as (Y/N) walked out of the kitchen, back into the living room with the others.

Piers stood there in shock for a second not knowing what to do. Not fully understanding what she meant by him 'acting as if he wanted her.' Then it finally clicked with what Alex and (Y/N) were talking about early. About how someone kissed her. He was furious. He saw (Y/N) as another sister and now knowing that someone hurt her made him angrier by the second.

"(Y/N) wait, what was his name?"

"Why does it -"

She was cut off by the other two girls saying, "Leon."

(Y/N) looked over to the other two girls giving them a 'why would you tell him' look. Making them look away guiltily. "Thanks for that guys because I totally wanted to tell him that." Putting her hands on her hips glaring in Piers direction.

"So what I'm hearing is that Leon, the guy who wanted a murder to live, kissed you? " Piers asked in a stern tone. He had angry written across his tan face. "And then he just up and left? "

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd react this way, " (Y/N) tells, hanging her head.

Piers eyes softened at the girl's state. He walks slowly up to her, pulling her into a tight brotherly hug.

"I'm gonna kill him you know?"

(Y/N) let out a dry chuckle hugging him back, "Of course you will. That's just who you are. "

"Can you two stop he's still my brother, you know! " Alex exclaims while everyone else laughs. "Now can we please move me in? "

"You're moving in with this gremlin?" Rebecca asks, "Good luck with that. " Rebecca turns towards the door to leave until (Y/N) stops her.

"Since you're here, you get the joy of helping us move, Alex in," She tells the brunette with a wide grin spreading across her face.

This was the first true genuine smile that she has given since she last saw him. (Y/N) felt pure joy being surrounded by people that love and care about her. She felt free from what she thought would be an infinite depression. Now she knows if this were to happen again she has her friends beside her to make her feel better.

Word count : 936

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