Chapter 12

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Two weeks later

"Piers why do I have to wear this?" (Y/N) yelled into the other room where Piers sat, waiting for her to come out so they can talk more about the mission. She looked down at the dress laying on her bed. It was gorgeous. It was a strapless ball gown that started from dark navy blue to a lighter blue to white.

The young girl looked in her closet to see if she had any shoes to match the dress. As she looked at the bottom of her closet she found a perfect pair of silver strapped heels. She put the dress on heading to the bathroom to do a natural makeup look and a nice bun with a few strands of hair falling gently in front of her face.

(Y/N) walked into the living room with her heels in hand. She stood in front of Piers with an unamused look written on her face.

"I look like I'm going to a prom," she told.

Piers rolled his eyes at her, "You look fine, you'll steal the show sweetheart."

"That's what I'm trying not to do, Nivans."

"Well to bad because that's what you're gonna be doing," he tells her. "Now give little twirl."

(Y/N) gave him the bird with a small smile on her face as she twirls slowly. Piers laughs at her reaction giving her a small clap. "You look great, (Y/N)."

"Thanks," she says with a shy smile.

She sat down on the chair next to the couch Piers sat on putting her heels on. "So what's the plan? Walk-in get info and leave or do you have an actual plan this time?"

"Great question."

"Damnit Piers! What am I supposed to do?"

"Make shit up as you go?"

"Do you think I can do that?!"

"(Y/N) calm down we're going to figure this, okay. Just give me a minute."

"Piers we don't have a minute, Piers. The event starts in less than an hour and we don't have a plan."

"Well, we know that your alias is Summer Moks. We know that Wesker is definitely going to be there. And we know that his office is on the top floor and the hard drive is in there somewhere."

As Piers tells (Y/N) this she tries to come up with a plan. Knowing this is not going to be a get-in, grab the thing, get out operation. She has to be stealthy and she needs the attention to be drawn anywhere but her. Full knowing she'll be the only person there that half of the guest, including Wesker himself will recognize.

"Piers someone is bound to notice me. Half the guest going are people that my father worked with when I was young before Raccoon," she tells, slightly anxious to go to the event.

"We'll figure something out if that happens I promise. Remember Chris and I are going to be there keeping you safe. The second we see someone try something with you we'll be there. I promise you."

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Everything. Helping me with this, being the brother I never had, and trusting me. I want to thank you just inca-"

Piers cut her off, telling he, "Don't finish that sentence. (Y/N) you're going to be okay. If anything happens I'll be right by your side the entire time."

(Y/N) looked at Piers with tears pricking her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"Come here," he told, pulling her into a tight brotherly hug. "Nothing's gonna happen to you." Kissing her on the forehead. "Now let's get going, Chris is probably waiting for us."

Nodding (Y/N) slide on her heels grabbing a matching handbag as the pair walk to Piers' car. The car ride to the venue was silent with the radio playing quietly. Nervously (Y/N) got out of the car when they got there. Her arm looped around Piers. They walked up to the bouncer telling him their aliases for the night. Once they were let in Piers gave (Y/N) an earpiece to communicate when they find something of interest. The two soon split. Piers looking for Chris while (Y/N) was looking for quick escape routes just in case the three of them need one.

(Y/N) looked to the farthest side of the grand hall from her and saw the unexpected. Squinting just a little to make out the figure standing over there. Seeing him again especially in a suit makes her worried. Worried that Wesker knows about him and worried to see him in general. She walked over to him, dodging guests who might recognize. When she got over to him she tapped him on the shoulder and asked.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

Word Count: 801

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