Chapter 6.4

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"I'm glad we have visitors," Ay said.

"Yeah, hope you forgive us the lack of invitation," Kira answered.

The blonde woman smiled and winked. "Have you missed me, baby Kira?"

All color drained from Kira's face. No doubt this was the same woman who made sure Kira remained buried alive inside Starsnatcher. The same one who also violently and randomly attacked her and whom even Ay described as sociopathic.

The blonde woman wore green body armor with various golden lines glowing over it in the shape of ones and zeroes. They blended within each other and formed a stylized computer code as you saw it in Matrix and similar movies.

She had her blonde hair tied together in Harley Quinn-like pigtails. Her smile told me that she was the type to play with her food before eating it.

Now that she stood next to Mustafa Ay, I recognized them pretty clearly as the two humans I saw in the woods during my last day on Earth.

"You are allowed to come out of that bubble," Ay said, still smiling. "You're looking as if you're trying to run away."

Truth be told, I wasn't, but the bubble still gave me an increased sense of security. However, I had to prevent this from escalating. I untied my seatbelt.

Kira understood the message and opened the hatch. We stepped outside.

As expected, it felt just like on Eden here, atmosphere-wise. The high gravity got me every time I stood up from sitting too long.

Ay gestured for the floodlights of the dome-shaped room to go on. A white, painted-on circle covered the floor like a carpet. Plants similar to those that attacked us in the tunnels decorated its borders where the bulk of the light focused on.

I and Kira walked to the circle's edge where we stood fifteen-or-so feet apart from our "hosts". Enough distance to run, not enough for us to appear impolite.

Our enemies thought differently, considering how they approached.

Now that it stepped into better light, I finally got a good glimpse of the Primogenitor tottering behind them. It was huge, even by Primogenitor standards, and wore its singularity stone on its forehead; a dusty-orange obelisk. The poor thing barely blinked, let alone moved. What did they do to it?

More importantly, how should I defeat them? Running away wasn't an option anymore, not after I was stupid enough to listen to Ay's request.

Fighting? Please, given how only Kira had a singularity stone, we were four-against one. I hadn't thought they'd be together when we encountered them.

I couldn't let him escape, that madman planned to end all life in the galaxy as we knew it. He was that madman who abducted me, who ruined my life, who ruined Kira's life.

"Lucas," Ay said, having reached casual talking distance. "I know you're up to something. Whatever you're planning, it won't work. I have four singularity stones and a stockpile of drones on my side. You have Kira and two damaged tank robots with you. If what you are planning involves violence, better think of different options."

I nodded reluctantly. Right now, I wasn't in a mood to contradict him verbally.

Ay let his gaze wander over me, Kira, and our robots, looking out for any possible traps we might have prepared for him. My breath stepped up each time he looked at me. For obvious reason, he was someone I wanted to avoid eye contact with as much as possible.

Layla looked at Kira, her arms folded. "What brings you here? It's the third time already. I thought our score was settled."

"It isn't. I hoped I could talk to you alone. Didn't expect you to bring friends."

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