Chapter 2b (Bonus Chapter)

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Day 7-11

It should come as no surprise to you that I got my laptop back, eventually. Doesn't mean the waiting was pleasant. Without the laptop's clock or the red dwarf in the sky, I had no sense of time passing.

My sleeping patterns were more than messy. I slept when I was no longer awake and got up when sleep gave me headache.

Although I could move freely and get used to the pain, I didn't want to do anything. I could only think.

On Earth, people complained about me spending too much time with my special interests. Now that I was trapped, they helped me to survive my solitary confinement. I recited the innumerable astronomy videos and Wikipedia articles I had memorized internally. I wrote innumerable blog entries in my mind. In a way, what I did in this cell was what I always did before sleeping.

I even pondered about what to call the aliens that had abducted me. Given their resemblance to suction cup-using octopi and the fact that they had abducted me with force, "Seizers" was a very appropriate name.

Once my memories faded, I looked for a new scene or a new text. Once those faded, too, I shook my entire body to stim. Stimming was basically what us autistic people did to calm down. On Earth, people had mocked me for it. My loneliness, however, allowed me to do what I wanted.

At some point, however, this peace was gone. The sounds from the desert haunted me again and became bangs. It was not their mere presence, but their sheer frequency that left me with no peace.

It was as if soldiers were sitting in trenches outside my dome. Again and again, someone left the trench and opened the fire on the other side until paranoia-inducing silence started again. If the volume of the bangs was to be trusted, the front of the attackers shifted further and further towards the dome. The serpent robots had already hinted that civil wars were going on. I was glad that I couldn't experience them directly.

Instead, I searched my mind for pleasant thoughts. I imagined a world in which I became an astronaut and discovered this moon without being kidnapped. The tentacle monsters were friendly and formed a federation with us. There was bilateral tourism thanks to their spaceships.

My pleasant thoughts only lasted so long, however, as my six-armed prison guards visited me regularly.

They'd do stuff putting me on that robot again due to forgetting a scan or two. Sometimes even while I was sleeping. Did they even sleep themselves?

At some point, they came back not to perform research, but to give back what was mine. Well, except for the singularity stone. That was theirs.

And that's all that happened during my laptop's absence from me.

What you're probably wondering why the heading reads "day 6-11" even though I had already reached day 26, right?

Well, before, I used the motion of Shadowmoon around its gas giant to determine when it was day and when it was night. For obvious reasons, that's not an option anymore. My laptop uses Earth days and right now, it's showing me 1/9/2057 as the date, or eleven days after I started the diary. Anyone who can do a simple division by four knows it was day seven before. So, yes, they kept me tied up non-stop for four to five days.

My mind survived the ordeal surprisingly well. Was it due to my special interests and my stimming? Could a neurotypical person have occupied themselves just as well without freaking out?

Unfortunately, my body feels less well, especially my dead back. Had the gravity not been so unpleasant, I might have exercised.

Good thing I have my laptop now. On my list of things that I would take to a desert island, it was always on top, even though I lacked Internet access right now. Would its battery last without sunlight though?

Can't think about that, Seizers coming as I'm typing!

The two don't carry weapons, but the robot is still there. Its pinchers loom behind my neck, prepared to react to any wrong movement. It's best to just type and watch what they're doing! The pink-eyed Seizer has just pulled out a tube and is now pressing it against my neck. Its tip is sharp enough to pierce the suit, but it doesn't harm my flesh. No, the Seizer carefully leads it to my mouth.

Should I drink from it?

There's probably no poison in here, they could have killed me easily beforehand and I'm not disposable enough for experiments. A sedative wouldn't be that bad. To avoid angering them, it's best to drink.

Okay. I've taken a sip. Viscous, creamy, and disgusting, but nothing to spill away lightly. Probably something to eat. Given that I'm still alive, those few days must have been enough for them to figure out my biochemistry.

Not saying that they did it well. Tastes like a horrifying combination of lima beans and spinach and requires long breaks between the sips.

Then again, I was a picky eater on Earth ev-

Note: My laptop was taken away again and I got sedated.

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