Cast Arc 2

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Second cast page here. Most is just copied and pasted from the first one with all the extra stuff added.

Very Important People:

Lucas Anderson: The man himself. If you've forgotten who I am, you have a problem.

People at Burger Bob:

Philipp Graves: A heavyset man with dark hair and a beard he rarely shaves. Manager of Burger Bob. Let's be real, Phil, did you expect anything flattering here?

Steve I-Never-Asked-For-His-Last-Name: A co-worker roughly my age with blue-dyed hair who works as a cashier.

Emma Same-As-Above: Also a co-worker who works in the kitchen.

Iris Giles: A woman in her forties with blonde hair and rather unconentional clothing styles. Likes pulling pranks on Graves. She apparently talked to aliens and received a singularity stone from them.


Eh, not feeling like I want to share much here. Their names are Robert (Dad), Lily (Mom) and Sophia (sister) Anderson.

Unexplained disappearances:

Thomas Leimfeld: Founder of the Leimfeld University and the man after which the Leimfeld River was named. Geologist who went missing during a field trip in Antarctica.

Mustafa Ay, Elizabeth Manson: Other scientists in Antarctica whose names are known among the missing.

Kira Semenova, Layla Walker: Two students at Leimfeld University, one of which photographed an invisible UFO near Ernstburgh. They went missing after that.

Celestial objects:

Watley wormhole: A wormhole with a distance to Earth of 500 astonomic units. Most likely the one through which I came to Shadowmoon.

Xu wormhole: A wormhole with a distance to Earth of 1,000 astronomic units.

Shadowmoon: A moon orbiting a gas giant in a solar system containing a red dwarf star. Likely several hundreds, if not thousands of lightyears away from Earth, given how unknown it is to us.

Special objects:

Sigularity stones: Didn't mention them last time as I had no clue what they were, but now I think I do. Basically, they're AIs of unknown computation substrate that have been miniaturized to ridiculous degrees. They are held in place by magnetic fields encased in a diamondoid shell. Practically speaking, the look like shiny gems. Mine is a green orb.

Alien races:

Dune maws: A species of animalistic, man-sized predatory aliens that have the rough shape and coloration of dune maws. Ambush predators I had the misfortune of fighting against.

Seizers: A species of roughly four feet tall aliens I'd visually describe as crosses between a squid and a spider. Oh, they also have three body segments, six legs, six tentacles, twelve fingers and four eyes.

Don't ask me, I didn't design them.As their genders don't fit into a simplistic male/female binary, all their individuals are referred to as "they".At first, I thought they had abducted me, but I turned out to be wrong.

Starsnatchers: The alien species that abducted me. I don't know anything about them other than that they built the wormholes and the singularity stones.

Need a different name soon.


Starnsatcher: The ship that carried me to Shadowmoon. Apparently the size of a small asteroid and capable of stealth in space (this is why we couldn't detect it when it came to Earth).


Crick/Professor: A Seizer with red eyes and a small head segment. They are an exobiologist and, along with Helix, the one who discovered me. They're also kinda arrogant and remind me of Mr. Graves.

Helix/Doctor: A Seizer with rose eyes and a large head segment that is nonetheless about as tall as Crick. A physician and colleague of Crick. Somewhat more levelheaded than their pal.

Sye: A Seizer with cybernetic body modifications. Guards my home and apparently secretly works for an organization that wants to send me back to Earth.

President: Their President, duh. Operates the AI below.

AI governor: Not really a Seizer, but that's how the President's AI is referred to.

A/N: Remember that Lucas is not a reliable or all-knowing narrator, so some of the info here is wrong, just sayin'. You can speculate on what might be missing.

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