Chapter 2.5

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I swallowed another pill.

"Keep calm," Helix transmitted. "Just a normal hacking attack. Don't you know this from your planet?"

Sye stood near Helix at the "safety distance" common here. Both remained outside my home and even though Helix was technically closer, Sye felt closer. All other guards had stepped aside, giving the impression that, while Helix was ordered to be here, Sye was here because they cared for me.

"I'll meet with my superiors in a moment," Helix transmitted. "Before that, however, we want to know what you saw in the VR."

You read my mind! I thought. Read it again!

I wasn't surprised in the slightest

They saw me as a public hazard. Of course, they'd break their promises of privacy if it made them feel safer.

"I think he requires time to calm down," Sye transmitted. "He might otherwise remember incorrect events."

"Probably," Helix transmitted. "Should we see our superiors?"

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

My mind waves had drowned Sye's reply.

Their bug-eyes didn't widen, but their pause told me they hadn't anticipated this question. Whatever they discussed with their superiors, it was something my rescuers had to know. Plus, Helix and Sye had proven themselves to be nice to me.

"It takes me a while until I can talk and maybe it's easier in a different environment," I explained. "Plus, you surely want the info as quickly as possible and not miss an appointment."

Helix turned to Sye. "You worked with him. Can you make sure he adheres to the rules? "

"I think that will work just fine," Sye transmitted. "It would even be an advantage for us if he brought his experience directly to our AI governor."

AI governor?

"Don't phrase it that way!" Helix transmitted. "'AI governor' sounds like some robot dictator. That's the terrorists' rhetoric!"

"Of course. I beg pardon for the bad wording."

That piqued my curiosity.

The wall opened and I put my helmet on. Before I could even take three steps, Sye took out a mechanical box with two pincers. They extended and grabbed my joints like the millipede bots always did. With wires connected to Sye's box, I was effectively pulled by the leash.

We walked back to the elevator where Crick waited.

Crick blinked. "Why is Human with you?"

"My suggestion," Sye transmitted. "Our AI should see him personally. Even if my request gets rejected, I can still guard him before the door. I am sure the President will understand my argumentation though."

"Fiery magma chamber," Crick swore. "Who gave that cyborg authority?"

Was "fiery magma chamber" their way of saying "hell"?

"As our exobiologist, you should know his psychology," Sye transmitted. "His species is vulnerable to loneliness and boredom. Bringing him to our AI governor might increase his trust."

They agreed to let the President decide.

Our elevator raced through narrowing corridors. The floors shrunk from villages to football fields to apartment blocks.

No-one lived in our final destination. It had the width and aesthetics of a skyscraper that existed solely for business purposes.

The gas giant greeted us through the window, its auroras outshining even Earth's polar lights. The night sky surrounded it like a picture frame.

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