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What?? - Kim asked me.

You know, I was wondering how names you have?? - I said making Taehyung completely confused.

Why do you care anyway??? - Taehyung said while I sat down next to him as well.

Your name is Taehyung, your mom is calling you Tae and your friends is calling you V. Why V?? - I asked being curious cat.

I don't need to tell you. - He said then stood up and I stood up as well and grabbed him for his wrist.

I will find out by myself. - I said.

Why do you want to know?? Do you maybe likes me or something?? - He asked while stepping closer to me.

You are thinking too much about yourself Kim. - I said then let go of his wrist and walked away from him but as I have bad luck my mom called me.

As I came closer to my mom she asked me about Taehyung.

He was there. - I said and turned around but Taehyung wasn't on the place where he was standing just 1 minute ago. I looked at my mom.

He was there 1 minute ago. - I said.

But he isn't anymore. - My mom said and just then Mrs. Kim came to us.

Jungkook where is Tae?? - Mrs. Kim asked me.

I don't know, he was standing there a few minutes ago but he is nowhere to see now. - I said calmy don't really care.

Is it something happened between you two?? - Mrs. Kim asked me.

When I said what happened between us she fall down on the ground and started crying. I was shocked by sudden action.

What is wrong?? - I asked.

He hided himself. We will not find him until he come by himself back. Not again. - Mrs. Kim cryed.

How do you mean again and why he hided?? - I asked and just then Yoongi, Rm, Jin and Jimin came.

He hide when he is hurt with words or when he feels like he is the bad person in someones eyes. - Jimin said.

So you say that I hurted him with my words?? - I asked being totally confused.

It's not your fault Jungkook. You didn't know that, excatly you did but you forget. This happend when you two was kids and when you two had a little fight he hided himself until you found him and talked with him. - Mrs. Kim said and I widened my eyes.

Jungkook, go and find him. - My mom said and I just nodded.

As I was walking around and searching for Taehyung I was thinking about what Mrs. Kim said about us two.

Are we really was friends in the childhood?? Why I don't remember him then?? Is it that because of that stupid incident??

I kinda feel sad how I was talking with him. I will apologize to him when I find him.

But what if he don't want to talk with me?? What if I really hurted him so much?? Is it he crying right now?? Yahh Taehyung please be fine. - I said and continued searching for him and just then I heard someone crying.

As I came closer I recognized the one who was crying and my heart broke in the pieces.

Taehyung. - I softly called and he looked at me with teary eyes.

I immediately runned to him and hugged him tightly as my tears started running down my face.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't wanted to hurt you. I didn't know. Please forgive me. - I said while hugging him then I felt his arms around me and he started crying.

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