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Yaaaayyyyyy, finallyyyy. I'm so happy Taehyungieee. - Jimin yelled right next to my ear, hugging the life out of me.

We are in my room right now and Jin is here too of course.

So you two are now boyfriends?? - Jin asked and I nodded.

Tell us, how he asked you to be his boyfriend?? How was the kiss?? How are his lips?? Are you used tongue to kiss?? Tell us everything. - Jimin squeeled like teenage girl which crush just asked her out.

Wait, I will tell you everything. Just don't laugh at me when I start blushing. - I said.


Their lips are moving in same rythm. Their lips are made it for each other and they both knows that very well that they don't want to pull away but they need to breath.

[A/N: That was hot.]

I'm glad that I didn't hold anymore. - Jungkook said.

Me too. - Taehyung said back with smile and face red as tomato.

So will you be my boyfriend?? - Jungkook asked.

Yes, I will. - Taehyung answered then hugged Jungkook but just to hide his red face.

You are so shy. - They both giggled.


OMG, that was hot and cute in the same time. - Jimin said.

Yeah, omo I'm so happy. - Jin said or should I say he squeeled just like Jimin earlier.

Omg don't squeel like that, my mom will hear us. - I said and just then door was opened.

Taehyungieee, I'm so happy for both of you. - My mom yelled and I knew it that she know about everything but how.

Mom, how do you know?? - I asked her.

Jungkook's mom just called me and said that you two are together. - My mom said.

Jungkook told her? - I asked.

No, she heard him and his friends and when she asked him he didn't say that you two aren't together so means that you two are together. - She said all in one breath.

Okey mom, breath a little. - I said and giggled.

Sorry btw congratulation my baby. - She said.

Yahh, I'm not baby. - I said.

Yeah, yeah. You are not my baby anymore. You are Jungkook's baby now. - She said then left the room.

Just as she left Jin and Jimin started laughing and joking with me about me being Jungkook's baby.

That is cute not funny. - I thought to myself and pouted.

Let's go Tae. - Jimin suddenly said.

Where?? - I asked.

Let's go to buy some drinks and food. - Jimin said.

Ok, but let's go in the cake shop. We can buy cake and drinks. - I said and they both nodded. We stood up then left in the cake shop.

We was waiting for our orders while sitting for the table and talking with each other.

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