when you guys ask stupid questions

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You and gon were lounging in the backyard of your house. You were just staring up and Gon was reading a book. All of a sudden you ask him something,
"Hey Gon, what if... what if birds aren't singing but screaming because they're scared of heights?" You say thoughtfully, Gon looks up from his book and stares at you wierdly. "No way. Birds cant be scared of heights....can they?" He says unsure. You both stand there for hours trying to make the sense out of what you said. When Killua comes home you both run up to him, "Killua, what if birds aren't actually singing but they're screaming because they're scared of heights?" Gon says. Killua just face palmed at your stipidity. "Just shut up baka." He says before grabbing a snack and going to bed.

You were lying down in bed trying to sleep. Killua was texting Gon next to you. All of a sudden a thought hit you, " Hey Killua did you realise that when a pregnant woman swims she's a human sumbarine." You say. Killua had hsi back turned to you, "No. she isn't." He replies bluntly. After a few minutes he turns around, "I don't think so?" He says. You sigh, "but... she has a baby in her stomach who can go underwater without water touching it so she is basically a human submarine." You explain. Killua looks up thoughtfully and then pats your head, "Go to sleep y/n don't stretch your tiny brain out."

You and Kurapika were driving out of the starbucks drive thru when a strange thought hit you, "Hey babe, If you see a bald eagle at the zoo then you're basically seeing the american symbol of freedom in captivity." You say. Kurapika stops the car to a halt and just stares at you, "What....what even?" He asks. You shrug and take a sip of your cappucino. Kurapika just shakes his head and carries on driving.

You and Leorio were playing Uno when you thought of something, "You aren't actually afraid of being alone in your house, your scared of someone or something else being there with you," You say suddenley. Leorio looked up from his cards and said slowly, "Yeah..." You shrug and keep playing, "Ummm Y/N can we just go to sleep?" Leorio says nervously, you shake his head at him but then you end up sleeping because he was scared.

Hisoka was playing with his bungee gum when you ask him something, "Hisoka, when we brush our teeth its the only time we clean our skeleton." Hisoka turns to look at you and just rolls his eyes and ignores you. (see, it wasnt sexual so he doesnt care.)

You and Illumi had just come back from a mission and all of a sudden you start giggling. Illumi looks at you and between giggles you say, "If James Bond is the best spy then doesn't that make him the worst spy?" Illumi looks at you with bug eyes. "I suppose it does." He says thoughtfully that just made you laugh harder.

You were in a meeting with all the spiders when you interrupted Chrollo, "Hey, Lawyers wish you were in trouble, Doctors wish you were sick, Cops hope you're a criminal, teachers hope you're stupid but thiefs actually wish you have prosperity in your life." All of the spiders look up at you. You realised you said that out loud and then you stood up straight, "Sorry." You say quickly. "Im sure that's not true." Shalnark says thinking.
"I dont know it sounds pretty debatable." Chrollo says rubbing his chin. Your meeting ended up just a few idiots trying to figure out if the sentence was true or false.

You just came out of the shower and start tapping Feitans shoulder, "Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe-" You get interrupted.
"What?" He says annoyed.
"Someone just made up dinosaur sounds without hearing them." You say with eyes widened.
"Ugh. Your cute when you act stupid." He says before ignoring you.

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