when they have morning problems

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(idk what im doing anymore istg)

You yawned and turned around to hug Gon when you noticed that something was wrong. You looked down and realised what. Your knee was being poked.... When you noticed it you burst out laughing. Then you got out the bed and sat on the floor trying to muffle your laughter. Gon groaned and sat up. "Why are you laughing so loud?" He asks rubbing his head. You couldn't stop yourself you started laughing even harder. Gon stood up and stared at you wierdly. "Whaaatttt? Tell meeeee." He whined. You pointed at the bulge in his shorts (Im now gonna die because i cannot believe i just wrote that), You laughed even harder, "It looks like you stuffed a baseball up your shorts!" Gon looked down and blushed. he grabbed a pillow and threw it at you and put a blanket over himself, "Shut up!" He blushed more. You shake y0our head and stand up. You walk over to Gon and kiss his cheek, "I'll see you downstairs once your done with you.....baseball problem." You snickered before running out as Gon threw the other pillow behind you.

You had gone downstairs at 6 AM to have a cup of cofee. You had put the cup away and went upstairs to lie down again. You lay down with your back to killua. He then turned to hug you when you felt something poke you. You fidget and turn around to notice something you didn't want to see. you got up and decided to get payback. You got up and throw a pillow at him. Killua groans and turns around, "leave me alone." You smirk evilly and sit with your elbows on the bed and your hands supporting your head. "Hey kitten, wanna know something?" You say in a teasing tone. Killua peeked at you from underneath his arm. "What?" He says cautiously. You point down and smirk, "You have a little...problem." Killua looks down and blushes before thowing a blanket over himself. You sit on the bed and go close to killuas face, "You know, i could help you..." You say, drawing circles with you finger on his chest. Killua blushes harder, before regaining his cool. He leans on his hand and turns to his side. "I don't know, i don't think you can." He says teasing you. You blush, "Oi! I am not that bad!" You huff indignantly. Killua smirks and comes close to your face, "Why don't you show me then?" He wiggles his eyebrows. You squeal and jump off the bed before running to the kitchen cursing Killua on the way.

Kurapika had woken up to you screaming into a pillow. So basically... You had woken up normally and had turned around when you looked down, you noticed IT. You blushed and turned around. What am i supposed to do? Do I wake him up? NO! OMG that would be so awkward! You argued with yourself. You saw Kurapika turn around. You muffle your yelp. Kurapika continued to sleep. The stress was getting to you. You buried your face in the pillow and screamed. Kurapika woke up and asked you what's wrong. You look at him and forced a smile, "Ummm i'll be downstairs, i'll see you later." You ran downstairs. When Kurapika came down, he was blushing and you were also blushing, let's just say it was a very awkward morning.

Leorio always wakes up before you because he had a job as a doctor. He leaves before you wake up so you never noticed. Like, you don't even LOOK down, you walk with your head held high for you are a QUEEN.

This dude. Huh. gets it all the time. You help him occasionally.

When you saw Illumi walk in the kitchen. You noticed something as wrong. You look at Illumi perplexed. He ignored you and IT. He just took an apple and left. You shake your head confused.

Chrollo woke up first and realised it but he couldn't get up because your head was on his arm. He waited for you to wake up before telling you his situation. You look down and notice shooting up, "You could've told me earlier, i would've moved." You frowned at him. Chrollo sits up and pulls you close, "I could've but i wanted you to help me." You felt his smirk on your shoulder. You huff and turn, "And what makes you think I will?" Chrollo pretends to think, "Well you owe me." He states. You try to think about why you owed him. "For not killing shalnark when you told me not to." Chrollo reminded you. You curse when you remembered. You sigh and smirk, "Sure babe." You get out of bed and lock the door befoe going back. A few minutes later, Shalnark came to ask Chrollo a question. Yet he heard something behind the door and decided to ask later.

You cant tell really. He wears that big giant cloak thingy so you can never tell.

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