what he absolutely adores about you

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(A/N THEY love EVERYTHING about you but this is the main main stuff.)
> Your smile. He goes crazy and his heart does somersaults when you smile.
> Your laugh. When you genuinely laugh he can't help himself. He has to kiss you. :))

> When you sneeze. You make this cute little achoo sound. Then you rub your nose and it turns a little red. That sneeze alone will make him your slave.
> When you subconciously grab his shirt in the middle of the night incase he leaves. He always kissess you extra when you do that.

> Your voice. Even if you sound like a dying cat to other people, to him you sound like an angel. When you sing for him he feels like he is floating in the middle of the calm sea.
> Your morning voice. When you yawn and say his name in the morning really makes him go crazy.

>Your sassiness. When you are sassy to him it makes him fall for you even more.
> Your reading glasses. You occasionally wear glasses to read and Leorio loves them.

> Your lips. I mean, are you actually surprised? Especially when you pout.
> Your child behaviour. Yall remember the GoOoOOoOoOoON scene? Yeah.

> Your hair. Your long/short/medium hair makes him calm when he runs his hands through them.
> Your nose ring. When you're asleep on totally unaware. Illumi plays with the ring. and smiles at how cute you look.

>Your savage self. When you're being a total boss bitch, Chrollo is proud to call you his queen.
>Your dominance. When you see a sexist pig and make him bow beneath you, he has literal cartoon-like heart eyes.

>Your smirk. Your smirk makes him blush so he always walks out the room.
> When you dance. Your dancing skills are so elegant that he cant help holding you to his chest tight.

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