🍰 "𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐚..."

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"Are you sure you two will be okay?"

"Sora will take care of papa, don't worry!"

Sora raised her hand as she cheerfully answered on her father's behalf.

Weekends are supposed to be family day for the Tsukishima household but Y/N received a bulk order for a reception on a 2-day event in another city.

It's an opportunity they cannot miss and lucky enough, it is scheduled on a weekend so that means Kei can look after Sora.

Y/N crouched down to her daughter's level to squeeze the little girl in her arms, but not too tight to suffocate her.

"You're such a good girl, Sora~ please make sure that papa eats a lot, okay?"


She then showered Sora with lots of kisses that's worth a whole weekend before straightening up to face her husband who's been standing beside their daughter.

"I'm going now, Kei-kun. Update me from time to time or call me if you need anything, okay?"

She smiled at him but he was quick enough to dodge it by turning his head the other way. Some things just never change.

"Take care."

Y/N nodded in response and tiptoes to give his cheek a kiss, with a little gasp on the background coming from Sora, quickly heading out to the vehicle waiting for her outside before Kei can even protest.

"Bye bye mama~"

Even though the door is already closed, Sora still bid her goodbye while waving her plushie's hand.

She only stopped waving with Didi when she gasped, remembering something that only her mom can do everyday.

"Papa! Mama forgot bunbun!"

That got Kei's attention because Sora likes getting her hair styled even on days when she doesn't have school.

What does he know on hairstyling anyway?

Sure, he always watch Y/N style their daughter's hair everyday but he still doesn't know how those little colored rubber bands and ribbons work.

Sora laid out her favorite ribbons, scrunchies and hair pins when they got in the living room.

Now he was left staring at the back of her daughter's hair while she's sitted on his lap, and them settled on the floor.

Her yellow hair already passed her shoulders that's why it is easier to style, according to Y/N of course.

His daughter tried giving him instructions on her mom braid her hair but it ended up in a tangled mess.

He tried to smooth out his daughter's hair with the hair brush but it was too tough that he needed to be careful on brushing them.

To distract Sora from looking at the mirror, he turned on the television to play her favorite show about jungle animals in a form of different vehicles.

While still trying to figure out how to untangle her hair, his phone ring from the table so he immediately reached out for it and swiped to the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

"This is Tsukishㅡ"

"Hey hey hey, Tsukiblahblahdh! Whahahahahㅡ"

Kei immediately ended the call upon hearing the familiar voice on the other line but it rings once again, answering the call this time with a sigh.

" 'Sup, Tsukishima."


He can hear the busy background and Akaashi consoling Bokuto on the other line after being hung up earlier.

"You're coming today, right? You know even if you decline, we'll still make sure you get your asㅡ"

"Sorry. I really can't today. I'm taking care of Sora this weekend."

"You always take care of Sora-chan... Ooooh. Wifey is away, huh? Don't worry, we got you covered."

"I don't get iㅡ"

Now it was his turn to get hang up on by his former seniors.

He stared at his phone's screen for a moment before turning to his daughter who is so amused by what's playing on the TV.

For some unknown reason, he have this unsettling feeling on him that he jusst can't shake off of him but decided to just shrug on it.

As if they know where I live.

🍓 🍓 🍓

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