🍰 "𝐁𝐚𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐚 𝐛𝐰𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩..."

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"Don't forget what mama and papa told you, okay?"

" 'kaaaay! No stwanges, look lef and wight 'for cwossing."

The two year old Sora summarised her parents' advise on her little fingers while her mother is helping her wear her lady bug backpack with the money, and list of the things she needed to buy.

Today is a big day for Sora. It is her first errand after all.

Even with her excitement for the task, her parents, specially Y/N, can't help but to worry for their little girl when she volunteered to buy mayonnaise at the convenient store.

It's not that she doesn't trust her daughter in running an errand, but this is the first time that she'll go out alone on her own.

"Bye bye mama! Bye bye papa!"

Sora waved at her parents when she's already by the gate, turning right to the direction of the convenient store.

"Please be careful!"

Kei and Y/N followed their daughter with their gaze.

The little girl stopped before an intersection and made sure to check both sides before turning to the street on her right, and disappear from their sight.

"Should we follow her after all?"

Y/N sighed in worry.

Kei is still looking at the direction where his daughter disappeared to. It doesn't show much as the usual, but he can't help but be worried too. It's his little girl, walking alone in such a dangerous world.

"She'll be alright."

He can hear his wife sighing once again and saying between the lines that she'll just prepare snacks for Sora for when she comes back to at least try and relieve the anxiety.

While his wife kept herself busy inside their house, Kei decided to stay outside for a little bit. Leaning on the wall by their gate. Waiting for his daughter to come home.


"Baa baa bwack sheep... eyiweyugo... yes sir! yes sir hayuduuuu~"

With her little feet walking along the street, Sora is singing a nursery rhyme that she last heard from the tv earlier. She doesn't know much about the lyrics but it was fun to sing so she continue to hop and sing to the song while clutching on the straps of her backpack.

The convenient store isn't that far but for a two year old with short legs, it is a very long trip. The good thing is that she comes to the area often with her parents so she can remember the landmarks.

The first landmark to the store, the house with the big black and white dog.


Sora greeted her fur friend from outside of the gate of the said house.

The big dog barked at her in return with its tail wagging, happy to see his little friend to pass by his house again.

Mickey is a really nice dog who greets her favorite friend every time.

She walked up to him to give him the head pat that he deserves for being such a good boy.

[ ⎷ ] 𝐊𝐄𝐈'𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐂𝐀𝐊𝐄  ¦  𝘒𝘦𝘪 '𝘴 𝘎𝘍 𝘚𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now