🍰 𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞.

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" In another news..."

" Papaaaaa!!!"

It's just six on the morning and Y/N was preparing Sora's lunchbox for school when she heard the loud cries from upstairs and her daughter calling out for her papa. Motherly instinct got the best of her and she ran to their room where her daughter's cries can be heard.

She was welcomed by their daughter crying in the floor. She probably just woke up and decided to go to her parents' room to see that it is empty this early in the morning. Normally, Kei will still be in their room, getting ready for work.

"Sora, honey. What happened?"

She knelt if front of the still sobbing Sora, whose eyes and nose are all red from crying to much, to pull the little girl in for an embrace so she can soothe her.

"Papa... Papa... not here!"

The little girl choked in her words and it broke Y/N's heart to see her daughter like this. Sora was never the type of kid to throw tantrums but she is having a fit right now.

Kei's office have an early client visit that day that's why he needed to go to the office for their last minute preparations. Sora knew that, of course, because if he will not be able to send Sora to school, he'll definitely let her know beforehand.

"Honey, you know papa is going to the office early."

"B-but I want papa! Head hurts, mama!!"

Her cries became even louder as she snuggled in her mama's arms.

That's when Y/N realized that the little girl's temperature is higher than normal. So she checked her forehead and finally figured out what's causing her tantrums.


"Is that so? I'll be coming home soon."

Kei took a long breath when the call ended. He was just informed by his wife that their daughter's fever is not going down, and she's been looking for him since this morning. It's already way past the time that he should be clocked out from work but they decided to hold him back to accompany their clients.

Sora refused to be put down to bed, and just wants to be carried by Y/N that's why he can hear the little girl sniffing and groaning on the other line, probably due to her headache.

He needs to come home soon especially that his daughter is looking for him. He knows that he can't always give her anything she wants, but how can he say no if she's been calling out to him? When she needed him the most?

He can only imagine the look on her face right now and that's enough for his heart to break because he's not there beside her. Yes, the Tsukishima Kei's weakness is his only daughter.

"Tsukishima, you can go home now. Just make sure that tomo"

"I'll be going on ahead!"

He didn't bother to let his superior to finish when he sprint out of the office, loosening his tie as he gets in the car to drive home as soon as he can. What he did may be rude, but he can get another job anytime he wants if it means that he can take care of Sora.

Good thing that there's not much traffic on his way home. As soon as he parked the car, he literally run up to their porch and entered their home, kicking his shoes aside and just letting his coat be on the floor along with it. He can just take care of it later anyway.

When he entered the living room, he was greeted by Y/N who is carrying Sora in her arms.


When the little girl heard his voice, she lifted her head from her mother's shoulder and turned her head to his direction with more tears in her eyes.


She sobbed while reaching out to him with her little hands, allowing for her father to carry her. Soothing the little girl's back, and placing a kiss on her still warm temple.

"Don't worry. Papa's here."


After a couple of hours of trying to feed and make Sora drink her medicine, the little girl is finally asleep in her parents' room with her temperature finally coming down. That finally gave the time for Kei and Y/N to rest as well in the dining room so they can have their late dinner together.

"Sora is really getting heavier and heavier."

Y/N sighed while massaging her shoulder, sitting on one of the chairs while watching the back of her husband while he's washing the dishes.

Kei is really cool.

She thought to herself as she kept her eyes on him. Admiring how hardworking he is and how he never complains on anything, especially when it comes to his daughter. And that makes him a really good father. The best father he can ever ask for their daughter.

"Say, Kei-kun?"

Y/N called out to him with the name he haven't heard her say in a while.

"Do you think... we can do this again?"

He finally turned to her while wiping his hands on a hand towel, leaning back on the sink. Humming as he thought about her question.

"What do you mean? It can't be helped that Sora will get sick like this in the future. We just need to make sureㅡ"

And that suddenly dawn into him. The way she's smiling at him right now is the same smile she had 5 years ago on a Wednesday night after looking for her pudding in the fridge. And it all suddenly makes sense that he cannot contain his own smile while walking up to her, stopping just in the opposite side of her to lean in with his hands propped on the table.

"Of course."

The smile on her face grew at his response when one of his hands made its way on her cheek, holding her so carefully.

Silently thanking him that he is the father of her children.

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