🍰 "𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞?"

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"Rain, rain go away. Come again another day~ little nene nenene~"

Sora ended her song with a heavy sigh while hugging Didi and looking out the window, watching the water droplets race down the window.

Today was supposed to be their field trip but then it started raining and the weather forecast estimated that it will be raining for the next two days.

So right now, she's stuck at home with no fieldtrip and can't even play outside because she knows that she can get sick no matter how much she loves playing in the rain. Because if she gets sick, she will not be able to go on their field trip.

"Sora, honey. Mama made hot chocolate."

Y/N entered the living room carrying a tray with 2 mugs of hot chocolate, and a cup of coffee.

She placed down the tray on the center table to give her husband his coffee while he's working on his laptop and accompanying his daughter in the living room at the same time.

"No. Thank you."

Sora declined politely with a pout.

She didn't even bother even though it is one of her favorite drinks during the cold days because she's too upset. She's really looking forward to this trip since her class will be going to her dad's work place as well at Sendai Museum.

But of course, her mom always know how to convince her.

"Oh my. I placed extra mallows on your hot choco."

Sora slowly turned her head to where her mom is, then looked down fiddling with Didi's tail.

"How many?"

"Hmmm... Like one, two... eight big mallows."

This got the little girl thinking.

Normally she'll have 5 to 6 mallows on her drink so what she have right now is a lot.

So after a few more calculations in her head, she finally agreed and placed down Didi on the table so she can grab her cat designed mug. Being careful enough with the hot drink.

As the Tsukishima family spend their rainy day in peace, with Y/N and Sora playing around with toys so they will not disturb Kei that much with his work.

They were in the middle of their tea party with Sora's stuffed toys as their guests when the power suddenly went down, startling the little girl.


Kei immediately set aside his laptop to welcome his daughter in his arms when she ran towards him in fear.

If there's one thing that she is scared of, that is the dark. She hates it when it gets really dark that's why she always have her lamp on during bed time.

"I'll go get some candles and our emergency light."

Y/N volunteered since Sora doesn't want to get separated from her father.

Kei really need to finish his work today but seeing his daughter trembling in fear, and also the Internet got cut off along with the electricity.

He adjusted Sora in his arms so she'll be sitting on his lap while hugging his daughter whose face is now buried on his chest.

"Papa, I'm scared."

He soothes his daughter's back to at least calm the little girl who is in the verge of crying.

"I know, Sora. I know. Papa's here. Don't worry."

He pressed his lips on top of her head and continue to pat her back while she's tightly hugging him when his attention was caught what's on the screen of his laptop.

"Sora. Do you wanna play a game?"

The little girl sniffed before looking up at Kei with teary eyes.

"What game?"


"Look what I found, baby. It's your favorite laㅡ"

Y/N just finished setting up the candles when she get back to the living room with a small battery operated lamp in her hand.

She was expecting for her daughter to still be clinging into his father but she can't help but smile at the sight of her daughter smiling on his father's lap and squealing while playing on his laptop.

He managed to distract her from her fear of the dark with the dinosaur jump game on his laptop that only appears whenever there's no Internet connection.

Turning on the small lamp on her hand, she placed it on the center table and it illuminated hundreds of stars in the room before joining Kei and Sora in the couch.

"Thank you."

She whispered on him before placing a kiss on his cheek.

A small smile made its way on his lips, placing an arm around her waist to keep her close, and so they can share the warmth that Sora has been giving to them during the cold and darkest days.

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