🍰 "𝐍𝐨..."

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It's already passed midnight when the front door to the Tsukishima residence opened, and the lights went on as Kei stumbled his way inside their home.

"Kei-kun. Are you alright?"

Y/N woke up from all the fuss by the front door, immediately aiding to her husband who's taking off his shoes that she's been waiting to come home.

Earlier that night, Kei called in that he'll be home late since one of their managers called in for a night out with most of the employees.

Of course, he also reported to Sora over the phone where he got scolded to be a good boy by his own daughter.

Because of that, Y/N waited by the living room for him to come home just in case that he'll get wasted at the event like the last time but she fell asleep on the couch.

"I missed you."

Kei slightly slurred that made her chuckle as she assisted him up to their room, where she was immediately pulled in to a tight embrace.

"I know. You always miss me."

"Not you. Sora."

Y/N faked a surprised gasp, breaking away from his embrace to lightly hit on his chest to which he just returned with a smirk and buried his face on the crook of her neck.

"If you've been a bad boy, Sora will not miss you at all. Remember?"


She's already feeling ticklish from his nose and warm breath brushing against her skin, but she can't help but still blush when his lips pressed small kisses on the side of her neck.

Sure. They've done it a couple of times being married for almost 5 years now. But she still can't get used to this playful side of him.

"Do you want me to prepare the bath for you?"

Her fingers brushing his already long yellow hair is already enough to give him comfort that he just hummed a 'no' in response.

From the side of her neck, his lips slowly trailed kisses down to her shoulder with his fingers lightly brushing on her skin as he tug the strap of her top down to her arm that sent shivers all over her body, and heat on her cheeks.

Kei is the type of person who doesn't like too much skin to skin interactions. He'll definitely avoid it as much as he can.

But there's always an exception for everything.

It's not the cause of the alcohol that he wanted to be closer to his wife. To feel her warm skin against his palm and his body is his comfort zone.

Her scent will never leave him even when he's at work or surrounded by people. He's always searching for her scent and warmth.

It always drive him crazy. He only wanted her and no one else.

Moments like this makes her feel the closest to him. Knowing him for almost her whole life, it is rare sight for Kei to show any emotions or affections.

But his face flushed, his low groans, and his arms trapping her in between him and the mattress, it was a sight to see for the Tsukishima Kei to show such expressions.

The night seems longer but it ended her falling asleep in his arms.

He stirred up from his sleep to the sound of soft knocks on the door, and the sight of his wife snuggling on his bare chest.

It is still dark outside and he doesn't want to wake her up after a long night so he carefully get up from their bed in his boxers to attend to the door.

"Papa... home?"

A sleepy Sora hugging her dinosaur plushie on one arm greeted him. She let out a yawn as she rub her eye with her free hand.

"Yes. I'm home."

Kei picked up his daughter who immediately laid her head on his shoulder, facing his neck as he take her inside their room.

Her soft breathing against her neck is an indication that she's falling asleep so he gently swayed while she's in his arms, lightly patting her back.

"You smell bad, papa. You smell like 'cle Aki when we're at grandma's house..."

She whispered followed by another soft yawn.

Sora was right, he still reek of alcohol even after taking a quick shower with Y/N. The smell of alcohol doesn't go away that easily after all.

"So you don't like papa now?"

He joked. Yes, Tsukishima Kei humours only at his daughter.


He was ready to tease her once again at that small pause just to run out of words on what she said next.

"I love papa..."

He never thought that he will ever experience it, but there's only two reasons that can make Tsukishima Kei's heart flutter because of such small things.

Tsukishima Sora is definitely one of them.


[ ⎷ ] 𝐊𝐄𝐈'𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐂𝐀𝐊𝐄  ¦  𝘒𝘦𝘪 '𝘴 𝘎𝘍 𝘚𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now