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"Put that down, you're stressing yourself out," Taehyung reached over and grabbed Jeongguk's homework, setting it on the coffee table. "Take a chill-pill for once. Relax."

Jeongguk grimaced and lunged at him. "Give it back!" He demanded, but was shoved onto the couch.

    "Stop resisting! Let's have a movie night"

Jeongguk crossed his arms with a pout, and fiddled on his phone until Taehyung found a movie. The lights were switched off and their bodies were pressed together. Taehyung's large veiny hand swooped in and snatched his phone away. So annoying. With a huff, Jeongguk leaned over him and reached for his phone, but Taehyung kept his hands far away from him as he stretched his body out.

    "Give it back, hyung!"

    "No phones. Don't make me hide it.," Taehyung rose an eyebrow. Jeongguk narrowed his eyes at him.

    "You wouldn't dare."

The corner of Taehyung's plump lips curled up mischievously. "Watch me." His face was dangerously close to Jeongguk's, their noses brushing together.

Upon notice, the younger scooted back, clearing his throat. "Uh...let's begin!" He fiddled with his fingers.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and pressed 'play'. Too say the least, the beginning of the film was a bit...confusing.

    "What're we watching?"

    "Don't know. New movie. My brother gave it to me," Taehyung responded. He has a brother? Jeongguk tilted his head and quirked a brow, he thought he was an only child—seemed like he was. "What?"

    "Oh, uh...nothing!" Jeongguk's attention shot towards the screen. Warmth wrapped around his body. We are so close, he thought. He could, he could...latch onto his hand. Snuggle close to him. Do cute movie stuff—but all thought vanished when a suggestive scene appeared on screen. Both men shifted awkwardly, clearing their throats.

    "We forgot the popcorn."

    "Yeah. Y-You do that." Jeongguk pursed his lips and fiddled with the hem of his oversized sweater. Taehyung stood up and entered the kitchen, leaving him with the ongoing raunchy scene. Who puts a sex scene so early in a movie? He swallowed thickly and kept his eyes riveted on the carpet, a rubicund shade heating up his face.

    "Want me to help you?"

The hairs on his nape perked up and his ear slowly reddened when he heard a velvety rasp in his ear, followed by gentle lips against his skin. Large hands ran up and down his quivering thighs. His breath hitched, feeling Taehyung's tongue swirl at the hollow of his throat.

    "Bet I could make you scream louder than the TV," Taehyung bit down on his collarbone, "What do you say?"

    "O-Oh...uh, please~"

Jeongguk shuddered when Taehyung palmed him through his jeans, his movements tantalizingly slow. He gnawed on his bottom lip and sucked in a breath, whimpering, eyes fluttering shut due to all the pleasure.

    "Want anything on the popcorn?"

His eyes shot open, perspiration teasing at his forehead. Hesitantly, he turned towards Taehyung, who stood in the kitchen. His hands were jittery. These fantasies were quite...realistic. A tad too much.

    "Uh...n-no thanks!"

Taehyung quirked a brow, but shrugged, plopping down beside him with a bowl of popcorn.

    "You good?"

    Jeongguk nodded quickly, kissing his knees together tightly. His hand dove into the popcorn bowl, handfuls enough so that he would not have to accidentally bump hands with him anytime soon.

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