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His eyes were sealed shut with sleep, and a low groan escaped his lips. The throbbing sensation at the back of his head was the worst he ever experienced. To sooth the pain, he massaged his temples, but all in vain.


Jeongguk peeled his eyes open and saw Taehyung beside the bed, a glass of water in hand along with a tiny pill. His gray plaid pajama pants hung off his hips, exposing his prominent v-line. When Jeongguk sat up, he hissed at the pain in his lower back.

    "How're you feeling?"

"Like shit. What happened last night?" Jeongguk sipped at the water, and noticed Taehyung tense up. He set the half-drunken glass on the nightstand, wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist. Wait. He wore a long sleeve yesterday. Looking down, his eyes widened when he realized he was bare. "T-Taehyung, what happened?"

    "You really don't remember?"

Oh god. What if I slept with someone? What if I just got some STD from some bastard who left in the morning? Shit!

The faint scent of love-making met his nostrils, pulling his face into a familiar grimace. His eyes darted around the musky bedroom; clothes scattered everywhere, and the bedsheets rumpled—stained with sweat and dried up ejaculation. There were no condoms in sight.

"Fuck!" Jeongguk sobbed, hiding his face in his palms.

    "Gguk-ah, relax."

"Don't tell me to fucking relax!" He swatted the hand on his shoulder, and pulled at his hair, "I don't know who the hell I slept with!"

    "It was me. You slept with me." Taehyung admitted.

Everything became but white noise. As soon as the words left his mouth, every touch of sin, every whispered sweet nothing, every tear flooded his mind. A deep shade of red flared across his face.

    "Do you remember?" Taehyung raised a brow.

Jeongguk hid his face in his hands and nodded. He felt larger hands against his, felt them gently remove them from his face. Like a moth to flame, their lips slowly inched forward. Closer and closer. Until they were merely a centimeter apart; lips brushing against one another, breath fanning over. But a blaring alarm sounded from Jeongguk's phone.

"Shit!" Jeongguk scrambled out of bed dove into his wardrobe to dress himself in uniform. He grabbed all necessary belongings and, wordlessly, flew out the door. He could not look at him. Not now.

He barged through the double glass doors, just minutes before his work shift began. Beads of sweat trailing down his forehead. Yoongi tilted his head, eyebrows hidden behind his bangs.

    "You okay?" He waddled over.

"I'm fine." Jeongguk panted, face flushed red, and snatched a notepad and black pen from the counter. The items jittery in his hands.

"Gguk-ah," Yoongi seized him by the shoulder and motioned another staff member to give them a moment. "What happened?"

    "Don't wanna talk about it..."

    "I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything."

Jeongguk pursed his lips, words stuck in his throat. He wanted to tell him, but he could not. Still too shocked. He shook his head dismissively, unease slithering down his spine. He continued work silently. Even the regular customers he served noticed something off. After his shift, he opened his car door, only to have it slammed shut.

    "What the hell?!"

    "What's going on, hmm?" Yoongi crossed his arms.

    "Nothing." Jeongguk huffed, looking at all the people getting in their cars, driving off. He persisted, but got his hand smacked when he touched the car handle. "I'm not doing this here."

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