Chapter 6

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Kiah walked across her bedroom and into the living room. The floors were clean, the chairs empty instead of covered in piles of clothes. The past week with Cate had been like a new awakening for her. They texted basically all the time and even went out to get coffee in between Kiah's and Cate's schedule. Apparently Cate really was a busy woman but she wouldn't tell Kiah what exactly she was busy with. Not that Kiah really asked that much. She knew that the question would in turn make Cate ask her about her job and that was an entire different situation Kah didn't want to deal with. She couldn't remember the last time she had the energy to do anything, let alone clean her entire apartment. Albeit small, it had taken her hours to go through the weeks worth of piled messes. Music blasted from her phone and she nodded to it as she made herself coffee. It was about 5 pm, but to Kiah that didn't matter one bit. She had the ideology that it's just never too late for coffee. Besides, it had long ago stopped doing anything for her. It was more of a formality and a habit at that point. She stirred the hot cup and checked her phone. Cate was busy that weekend so Kiah was trying hard to restrain herself and not text her. Somehow a week had been enough to get her hooked on the woman, as if she was a drug.

L: I'll be there in 10

A text from Lonnie came. She had suggested a movie night and Kiah had agreed. Despite that one awfully embarrassing they were actually growing closer. It felt good for Kiah to have a friend. She had given up on those a while ago. Kiah decided to meet Lonnie at the door so she grabbed a cigarette she had rolled and made her way downstairs. She lit it and waited for Lonnie.

"Man, that cigarette looks wonky as fuck, are you sure it's not a joint or whatever."

"Hi to you too, Lonnie." Kiah rolled her eyes "I accidentally crushed it coming down the stairs." She muttered under her breath.

They entered the apartment and Lonnie gasped.

"Damn, you've been busy."

Kiah smiled and rubbed her neck

"Yeah, I decided it was about time I tidied up a bit."

"Is it because of that girl you keep texting?"

Lonnie teased with a knowing smirk. Kiah scoffed and went to get her monitor. It was slightly bigger than a laptop screen so she was using it as a TV. Or at least she used to, the cable company had long ago cut her off for not paying her bill. Netflix was much better anyway. She brought it into the living room/ kitchen and placed it on the small coffee table, connecting Lonnie's laptop to it.

"What are we watching?"

Kiah asked as she sat on the couch after bringing all the snacks and drinks she had prepared.

"You know how you told me about that book - The price of salt – and how much you like it? Well, I present to you – Carol, the movie adaptation."

Kiah wanted to protest and go on her usual rant about how the movies are always worse and whatever, but she found it sweet that Lonnie had remembered her favourite book so she kept her mouth shut and decided to give it a chance.
They got comfortable and Lonnie played the movie. A pleasant melody sounded as the opening credits rolled. On the screen with bold letters appeared 'Carol'. Kiah didn't really pay much attention and looked at her phone, hoping for Cate to text her. That is until she heard a familiar voice. It sounded more breathy and light but it was unmistakable. Kiah's eyes shot up to the screen and to her horror, or surprise, or whatever the hell emotion she was feeling, there she was. Cate. On the damn screen. Kiah rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. It couldn't be. Absolutely no way.

"Uh, Lonnie, who is the woman with the blonde hair?"

Lonnie scoffed

"That's Carol, if you actually watch the movie you'll find out."

"No, I meant the actress."

"Oh, that's Cate Blanchett. I know you don't really watch movies but do you really not know Cate Blanchett?? She's like, an icon, and especially for lesbians. Even though she's straight."

Kiah didn't really know how to react. An icon? Straight?

"How do you know she's straight?"

"Well, considering she's been married to a man for nearly two decades, what else could she be? I guess she could be bisexual, but I don't think the she's ever been seen with a woman."


What else had that woman lied about?? Kiah felt sick. How does one react to something like this? What was she supposed to do? Talk to Cate? Call her out? Ghost her? Stop talking to her altogether? Kiah couldn't wrap her head around all of the information she had suddenly learnt about her supposed fling. She pulled out her phone and decided to text Cate.

K: We have to talk.

She sent it with a stoic look on her face.

K: I watched Carol.

She locked her phone and forced herself to remain calm and neutral. She watched the movie and couldn't help but admire Cate. She looked beautiful and hell, was she talented. Kiah felt envious of the other actress that played Therese. It felt ironic to her how similar her situation was to the one in the movie. A young girl falling in love with an older married woman. Except – did Cate have kids? God, she should stop thinking about it.

"Are you okay?"

Lonnie broke the silence. The movie had ended and Kiah had been blankly staring at the screen. Did she really miss the whole movie lost in thought?

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine."

"So what do you think?"

"About what?"

"About the movie, you idiot, what else."

"Oh, it was good."

Lonnie squinted her eyes in suspicion.

"You didn't pay attention, did you?"

"I...might have looked away for a couple of minutes."

Lonnie sighed and shook her head.

"Disappointed but not surprised. Do you wanna watch another movie?"

"Uh, I'm actually feeling kind of sick, so maybe we can do that another time?"

Lonnie seemed to get the hint and got up to collect her stuff.

"Aight then. You pick the movie next time though. Maybe then you'll actually watch it."

Kiah just nodded and walked Lonnie out. Now alone, she decided to just take a nap and leave her future self to deal with all the emotions she was feeling. 


I'm not very happy with this chaper to be honest, but I wanted to publish something so yeah. Most of it I wrote on a train, the rest I finished while hungover and sleep deprived so it's kind of rushed, but oh well.

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