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Uta's P. O. V.
We just finished our cat mission, yeah after working hard for those bells they sent us to look for a cat, and we are in hokage tower. Naruto is asking for a better mission. I just turned them off till door oppened and in came drunk man. So seems like he is from poor town, I scaned him and I can see him trying not to act nervous, so he is lying, great. So the missions for genins go as far as C rank not higher if jonin don't ask for it, so his town is poor and they could only pay for a C rank mission, hm, is he maybe from the town where Gato is. Hm possible. He than made a coment about Naruto and Naruto tried to kill him. I just stood there unintrested. Than Kakashi told us to go home and get ready for the trip. So I just went home and got some food and put it in my bag and one shirt. As I was about to get out I felt a hand on mine. Knowing whose it was I just asked "What is it" he slowly let go of my hand and said "Ugh, I heard that this will be your mission, the first where you will leave the village, so I came to wish you luck, I know those missions are important". I just stood there emotionlesly. "Yeah, it's actually a B or A rank mission, I can see through that man he was lying and his town is poor this is all they could afford. Thanks for coming, you didn't have to" after saying that I left. Yeah mission is important, but I'm not, he can come for a stupid mission to wish me luch, but can't come to see me. Urgh. I than puched the tree beside me, it fell, but I paid no mind to it and punched another one. After I felt better I walked to the gates.
There stood Tazuna and my team. I ignored thir words and just followed them after they started walking. I'm still angry, I hope we meet some bad guys on our way so I can let my anger out. My fists are still bloody but I don't care. A few meters in front of us was a puddle. It didn't rain for days, so I didn’t let my guard down. Just as we passed it two ninjas jumped from it and ripped Kakashi apart with chains. I paid it no mind and stood before Tazuna. One of them went to Naruto but Sasuke saved him, the other one run toward me but I grabbed gus chain and pulled him toward me as hard as I could, when he almost flew into me I grabbed him by his neck and choked him.
Kakashi's P. O. V.
After they 'ripped me apart' I went to trees and watched the fight. Sakura screamed my name, Naruto froze and ninja went for him, but Sasuke saved him, seems like Sasuke was too shocked about what happened to 'me'. I than looked at Uta who didn't even blink before he jumped infront of Tazuna, so to him mission is on the first place, he seems to know that this happened on missions and death of your team mate can't get to you. Than other ninja went toward him but he grabbed his chains, which suprised me. Than he used his strenght and pulled on them, the ninja went flying into him but he grabbed him by his neck and started choking him, ninja went blue but Uta didn't stop so I decided to step in.
Uta's P. O. V.
Just as ninja was about to die Kakashi steped in, ugh. But I juts let him go. "Naruto sorry, I didn’t know you would freez like that, Sakura, Sasuke good job. Uta that was great, no need to kill him but nonthles great. And Tazuna-san I think you have a lot to explain. I watched the fight from afar and seems like ninjas didn't target us, you were their target. But we will talk later, Naruto your wound, we need to clean it, the chains had potion in them" Kakashi said. Than Naruto did some long ass speech and pulled kunai through his hand, well he will bleed to death. Than he started panicking after that Kakashi helped him and we decided to continue the mission. I don't feel good about this but what can I do.