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Uta's P. O. V.
After we got our numbers and sat down Ibiki started explaining rules. Let's just say that I didn't listen to him and looked around. I was seeting in between Gaara and Rock Lee. Huh, ironic. I looked at them and as I expected Rock Lee was paying attention and Gaara was just staring ahead. Great. Than they gave us our papers and told us to start. I looked at questons, so we are out. Let's make this clear, these are nothing for me I can do them in a second, Sakura should know at least a few, Sasuke will cheat his way through but Naruto, I'm sure he doesn't get that he should cheat, but again knowing these people there is a trick with all that last question thing. I quickly wrote my answers and looked at others. Tenten was doing her thing and helped Reck Lee answers, but if we are being real it's obvious, you can see strings and if you look up, poof, they are out. I than looked at Gaara who was making some sand eye, my guy got some guts. I just ignored the two than looked at Naruto, as expected, he doesn't have a clue about what's going on. Now how do I help him.
Suddenly idea came to my head. I than put my my hoodie down on my head and looked down, and with my mangekyou sharingan I created a genjutsu and threw it at everyone, but I didn't stope there, I made a genjutsu in genjutsu in genjutsu.... so now it's 10 layers of the sane genjutsu. The genjutsu is just the class room as it is but with me sitting on my chair as normal. It alows me to walk around and not be seen. So I stood up and went to Naruto, I quickly looked for any easy question that he should know and started doing it. As I was done I wrote 'Uta' in the corner so he wouldn't freak out,and with that I went to my seat and realised all 10 layers of genjutsu. I than quickly deactivated my mangekyou sharingan and looked around acting as if nothing happened. I saw Naruto looking at me so I looked at him and gave him a wink.
"Guys it's time for last question, if anyone think that they are not ready to take it they are alowed to give up and go out." said Ibiki. Huh, so that's the thing, about giving up, great. I just stopped listening to him and looked out of window, will my father ever have any intrest in me. Orochimaru who wanted me only for my eyes had more intrest in me than my 'father' that why I respect Orochimaru more than my dad. But to be honest even if Orochimaru wanted my eyes only somwhere along the way he started to adore me. I was a cute kid, innocent, pure, friendly... As I was always with him he got used to me and started to like me but than he left. Huh, what would've happened if he didn't leav, maybe I would call him 'dad' because my real dad doesn't even love me. Sure I have Sasori but he is my idol and best friend he can't be my dad. Maybe I don't really need my dad to love me, or Orochimaru or Sasori or someone else maybe I just need a warm hug and than I will be okay, but who know...