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Uta's P

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Uta's P. O. V.

Today is my 8th bithday and since papa said that he will come I was so happy. Since I met akatsuki some of them would visit me often, more than papa, but I didn’t really think much. I still remember meeting them.


They all looked at me than dad than Itachi. Dad than started acting like a kid, oh so that how he represent himself, but gotta say I'm dissapointed that he didn't say I'm his son, but what can I do. Dad than said in child like voice, "Those are friends that Tobi~ found, Itachi like you all know and this is our future member, he sat a new record in academy and that say something, so Tobi~ took him too, look at him isn't he cuteeeeeee" than he started hugging me rubbing his head on mine. I just continued to look at the tomato guy thinking he was intresting. They all nodded at dad's words than the orange said "Guys introduce yourselves to our new members, I'm Pain, leader" Barbie girl was next "I'm Deidara" oh it's a ✨guy✨, well that's new. Snake was next, "I'm Orochimaru, what'ssssssss your name" he ask, it's ✨pedo✨ if you ask me. "I'm Uta" the sky woman than slapped dad from me and carried me kissing my cheek and hugging the life out of me. "I'm Konan you sweet baby" she said which made me giggle. Than the man with gray hair said "I'm Hidan you brat" next was money man "Kakuzu" he didn't even look up from the money he was counting. Next was tomato "Sasori" well he is really cool so I wiggled out of Konan's hold and went to him looking at him, he looked at me emotionlesly and that the moment I knew, my idol is him, I went to his side and stayed there for the rest of time. Sushi was next "Kisame" he grinned. Okayyyy, his teeth are sharp, and the last one is plant "We are Zetsu" I see some twins right there.

End of the flashback

I was so excided that I even smiled and run to my home. I quickly went in and put the cake I got yesterday on the table and put candle on top and lit it up waiting for papa.

A few hours later

I sat there waiting for papa, he said he will come maybe he is just late, yeah that's it. I took the candle of the cake and looked at the flame.

A few hours later

It's 11:55 pm, I'm still waiting for papa to come, I gotta say he is playing games with me, making me wait for so long, but I'm sure he has an explenation, he always does. Yeah he want to suprise me and come at the last second.

A few hours later

Here I am, crying because my papa didn't come, he said he will, but he didn't, my heart hurt, my eyes are burning from all the crying, my sharingan is coming on and off every few minutes. Thoughts of all those times when he wasn't with me came to my head and I felt something really warm coimng out of my eyes and they started to burn really bad, my head too. I tried to open them but they were burning too much and I couldn't but I saw that it was blood coming out. I run toward the bathroom and looked at the mirror. There I saw my eyes it wasn't sharingan it was mangyeko sharingan.

Well shit

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Well shit. How did I even get it? That doesn't matter, I need to master it, but how? Do I tell him or not? That doesn't matter now. Why didn't he come? Does he not love me? I looked at mirror with sad eyes before my sadness turend into rage and I punched mirror cusing it to break and my hand to bleed but I didn’t stop and punched it even more.

Than I stopped and started crying again kneeling down and holding my head in my hands

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Than I stopped and started crying again kneeling down and holding my head in my hands. This is the last night that I spill tears for that man or anything else, the last time I show my emotions, the last time I'm real me.

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