Chapter 12: Mocker Mutilator.

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Danny Hacker's P.O.V: (flashback)

'That little twerp is so weird I swear' I think to myself. 'So excited to see his little friends, it's kinda cute.' I snicker and shake my head as I continue on passed the woods. The path in the woods leads to a big circle clearing where the boys wanted to meet. I peek in at them as I walk just to be sure Jackson's alright one last time before I keep going. I like to listen to me feet crunch on the gravel, 'hm satisfying' I think. I don't really have any friends. People only talk to me people they know who my family is. Honestly I don't really care about perfection the way my parents do. I'm more of a suffer silently kind of girl. I stop when I get to the lake. I love the lake. I go here all the time but not to get in, I can't swim. It's not that I'm scared of swimming or the water in general, I just don't know how. I mainly just go here to relax, maybe read a little. But my favorite thing is sitting in silence. My parents think I'm weird because they often find me sitting quietly staring off into space. I do that for hours sometimes. You'd think that during that time of sitting and staring I'd have a lot on my mind but I don't. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of wind blowing through the tree leaves. My brain is completely empty, and I fall asleep.

2 hours later..

I wake up, and quickly snap back to reality, realizing that the sun is beginning to go down. 'Shoot I need to get home' I think as I look at my watch. It's only 5:16 so I have time. As I get closer to the woods I listen closely for the boys. 'Maybe Jackson will want to walk back with me' I wonder as I approach the path to the clearing. None of the boys are there so I assume they already went back home. None of the people around here go too deep into these woods. That's why they made the clearing. You can still see it from the gravel road but it is a good distance away. People don't usually go any further than the clearing because human remains are often found in there. They believe it's this psycho killer they call the "Mocker Mutilator". You can probably guess why he's called that. I'm guessing it's a he.. The woods are called Mocker woods because sometimes if you scream really loud, you can hear it back but more distorted as if the woods are mocking you. That type of thing is considered creepy to some people, I never get scared of silly things like that.
"Where's Jackson?" Mom asks me as I walk in the door. "I thought he was home already." I say looking at her confused. "Oh he must still be in the clearing with his little friends then. I'll give him a bit more time with them since this is his first time with them." She says smiling down at her newspaper. "Uh but when I passed the clearing there was nobody in there so I thought he had already made his way back." I say as I hang up my jacket. "What?!" My mom squeals with wide eyes as she throws the newspaper down. She then proceeds to call the other boy's parents asking each one if their child had returned home and if Jackson was with them. Each of them tell her that their children made it back and that Jackson is not with them. She began to panic.

Jackson's P.O.V: (flashback)

After awhile of just fooling around in the woods the boys begin telling me that they've got to get home. "It's only 5:00 though." I say trying to get them to stay a little longer. "I'm sorry but my mom says I have to be home by 5:15 and it'll take me that long to get there." Oliver says trying to give me a smile. The others start nodding in agreement and before I can blink they walked down the trail and disappear down the road. 'I don't want to go home.. I'll just poke around here a bit more and explore a little before heading home!' I think to myself. I start walking past the clearing and go deeper and deeper. When I finally decide I should turn back I realize that I'm completely lost. I start panicking and hyperventilating before finally sitting down on a rock. I start to calm down until I hear a twig crack behind me. I've never felt my heart beat so fast in my life. I slowly turn around and to my surprise I meet with a pair of grey eyes. The rest of the face is covered by a shadow from the hood the figure wore. "Hello Jackie Hacker" the figure says in a creepy hissing voice before raising a hatchet into the air. He swings and I dodge it tumbling to the ground. I scream and start running I can hear the figure laughing behind me and the sound of feet stomping loudly behind me. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my back and collapse to the ground. I can feel something sticking out and liquid trickling down. I cry out and suddenly see the figure staring down at me. When I realize that I've just been hit with the hatchet I try to scoot away. I hear myself whimpering and my body was trembling. The strange figure reaches down and pulls the weapon out of my back and strikes my again, this time hitting my arm, causing me to yelp and wince at the excruciating pain that know overwhelmed my whole body. The figure lifts me up above him. I look into his eyes and start to see rotten yellow teeth. 'I can hardly move, the pain is too much I can't fight..' I think to myself causing my eyes to fill with tears. The figure stares at me for awhile and then says in the same creepy voice, "night night" and a grin stretches across his dark face. I gasp when I feel something sharp push harshly through my back and the figure let's me go. I look down with wide, shocked eyes and see the tip of a branch poking out of my chest. The figure sits down and stares at me at I hang there. I try to speak but all that come out are small noises. I start to feel my eyelids getting heavier and I try moving my feet a little but they only dangle, my arms are the same. I feel my top half droop down to face the ground. I feel a tear fall down my cheek as the world begins to grow dark.

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