𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Scarlett had zoned out but was brought back to reality again when she heard Anakin say something.

"I'd much rather dream about Padme." The blonde blinked in confusion, because let's be honest, she was confused all the time.

Scarlett tapped her foot, crossing her arms.

She looked up at the three Jedi in the room when they turned towards Padme's room. "I sense i too." Obi-Wan said, they all ran to the room. The jedi master decided to jump out the window and cling onto the droid that had put poisonus bug things that Scarlett had no clue about what they were.

"Stay here." Lennox told Padme and Scarlett.

The blonde turned around on her heel, "I'm not staying here, I hav-" "Scar, stay here, please." Lennox pleaded.

"I-" He gave her a look. "Fine, but next time, I am going with-" Before she could even finsh the sentence, both him and Anakin had left.

Scarlett looked back at Padme and sat beside her.

"Are you alright, m'lady?" The woman that Scarlett found out her name was Dorme, asked the senator.

"Yes." Padme answered, telling them that she would be fine with just Scarlett.

Scarlett thought back to what Lennox told her to do, and she was going to stay, but then, she remembered who she was so she made sure Padme was alright and got up and left.

She entered the room with the speeders and chose one, considering that flying around in her ship would be much too noticible.

"Okay, time to go catch whoever in Alderaan is trying to kill Padme." She muttered.

Scarlett caught up to where Anakin, Lennox and Obi-Wan were, the Jedi master looked at her, mouthing, "What are you doing here". She looked at the Kenobi, smiling innocently.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" He tried yelling, she squinted her eyes, looking ahead of her. "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU." She could tell just by his facial expression, Obi-Wan sighed. "Pull up, Anakin." Obi-Wan told his padawan.

"You know I don't like it when you do that." "Sorry master, I forgot you don't like flying." Anakin apologized, "I don't mind flying, but WHAT you're doing is suicide." Now, Scarlett heard that. She snickered, which Obi-Wan picked up on. "You, stop snickering." He told her

They went around posts that had fire on them.

Anakin had flown him, his brother and his master into a power thingy.

The blonde focused on her speeder, "If you'll excuse me." Anakin said, proceeding to jump out of the speeder he was flying. Scarlett, having no clue what he was doing, was silently freaking out.

"I am going to kill him." She whispered.

Scarlett stood there, sighing.

"Kid-" The blonde glared down at the ground. "Where's yer parents." She glared even harder, this time looking up at the man. She kicked him in the shin, running away.

Mom mode!Scar is amazing.

She is concerned for Ani, she is once again confused, slight!bicker with Obi-Wan. All normal, the usual.

Okay, I'm making a one-shot and AU book for the series and I'm making a short chapter where it's the "sir, this is a mcdonald's drive thru". Just add Scar to any point of it, either the employee or the person talking randomly about their life.

Also, I have other covers made for the series. I don't know if I should change them or not.


If you don't want slight spoilers for the next two books, don't scroll

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If you don't want slight spoilers for the next two books, don't scroll.

You have been warned by both me and River Song

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You have been warned by both me and River Song.

Flying With Stars:

Flying With Stars:

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Protecting Stars:

Protecting Stars:

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