Chapter 1

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"So Mr Randler," Crimson Grey said, sliding elegantly into the seat opposite him, "I hear you have a job opening."

Mr Randler was a tall, young man who ran the most successful arms manufactures in the world, the only thing was, he didn't only sell them to the army. Crimson Grey, a sixteen year old schoolgirl, was here to assassinate him.

Mr Randler's eyes roamed Crimson's tight red dress, that showed off her every curve, "How old are you Miss Lawrence?" he asked, referring to her by the cover.

She fluttered her eyes, "Eighteen." she lied, flashing her pearly white teeth at him.

"And what... What assets do you have that can help with this... Job? " Mr Randler asked inching forwards.

Crimson pulled out a stick of red lipstick and re-coated her lips.

"I have very good people skills." Crimson glanced downwards suggestively.

Mr Randler appeared flustered, "I would very much like a preview."

Crimson rose from the chair and pulled the heavy shutters on the glass panel walls. She swallowed a pill, quickly and discretely, before turning back to the target.

He strode to stand in front of her with a purpose she knew too well. He grabbed her waist and pulled Crimson close, kissing her passionately.

With one clumsy hand, he pushed the contents of his desk onto the carpeted floor. He pulled her back.

He moved a callous hand towards his trousers zipper. Crimson straightened up, wiped her mouth and smiled, "You only wanted a preview." and with that she left the room to Mr Randler's protests.

The receptionist glanced at her briefly before picking up a phone and saying, "Next interviewee please."

Crimson walked into the bathroom, where she hastily wiped the lipstick off her face and changed into a hoodie and jeans. She pulled her long blonde ringlets into a ponytail, restoring herself to her preferred appearance.

She listened for half an hour until a scream echoed through the building. The job was done. Hastily, Crimson slipped the poison laced lipstick and antidote pills into a small pocket in her bag before rushing out and joined the throbbing crowd heading towards the source of the scream.

Even the worst assassin knew that sometimes making a hasty exit draws more attention to you than hanging around the scene. She glanced down at her watch, she would late. Again.

A small group departed from the crowd and headed towards the exit. Crimson followed. Once she was outside, she broke into a run. Five minutes. Four minutes. Three minutes. Two minutes. One minute. Crimson burst into the classroom, just as the bell rang.

She slipped into her seat next to Ryan Brown. She glanced sideways at him.

Ryan was her long term crush but he had barely ever even given her a glance, despite sitting next to him in three subjects. She realised she could make him fall for her, the way she did with most of her assignments but that wasn't her, she wanted him to like the real her.

"Crimson." A soft voice broke through her contemplation, it was Ryan he was talking to her, "Earth to Crimson."

"Oh, um, yeah." she stumbled.

"In a world of your own, huh?" Ryan said smiling, "We've got a project together. We need to write a script on a subject of our choice and then perform it to the rest of the class."

Crimson didn't reply, she couldn't force herself to speak. She dropped her gaze and studied her hands.

"Ryan, I don't envy you, man." Jamie, Ryan's best friend, said leaning back on his chair against their desk, "Stuck working with the freak and all."

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