Chapter 5

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Crimson stepped to the side, watching as Naoko shadowed her move staying opposite her. The pair of the circled each other; eyes locked, smiles playing on their lips.

Nao lunged forwards and Crimson's eyes took in her opponents stance. His weight was transferred onto his back leg with his body bought back over it slightly. He was going to kick.

His leg snapped towards Crimson's stomach but her block was to accurate for him to get near. Nao stepped back, his balance tenuous.

Crimson stepped towards the taller boy, sliding her foot passed his side and using the momentum to punch through his stomach.

Nao's eyes bulged slightly as a gasp for air escaped his lips but his smirk remained undamaged. Crimson took advantage of his dazed state and with a single leg sweep had Nao laying flat on his back. His arms lay sprawled around him as his mouth open and closed like a Goldfish as he gasped for air.

A smile passed over Crimson's features as the adrenaline from the fight flooded through her. Her muscles begged for more exercise but instead she extended a hand to Nao.

"See, I told you that you didn't have a chance." Crimson teased, her smile never faltering.

Nao took her hand and pulled himself up, "Okay then, if that's how you want to play it."

Before Crimson knew what was happening, Nao had scooped her off the floor and flung her over his shoulder. Although she could escape his grasp easily, Crimson played along and wriggled around as if she was trying, not that Nao needs an ego boost.

"Let me go you asshat." Crimson giggled as Nao began to spin her around.

Crimson watched the room as they span. From where they stood in the centre of the training area most of what she could see was a variety of deadly weapons hanging off the walls. However, standing next to the computer-covered desk was one of the twins, the video camera pointing at them hiding their eyes.

"Ryan?" Crimson said as her eyes met his, "What are you doing?"

Ryan smiled at her, "Just filming stuff."

Nao turned to face Ryan, resulting in Crimson only being able to see the weapons decorating the wall behind them.
"How much did you film?" Nao asked and Crimson could practically imagine the raised eyebrow and smirk combination he would be throwing at Ryan.

"I got your ass being handed to you on a plate, if that what your asking."

Without warning, Nao strode towards to Ryan and threw him over his shoulder too. Ryan didn't give in as easily as Crimson and was thrashing around with a deep laugh.

Crimson smiled at Ryan from where they hung against Nao's back. He looked gorgeous with his Dark chocolate eyes alight with amusement and his lips pulled back in a smile. Suddenly she was once again the awkward teenaged girl from media class.

"Come on Nao, put us down." Ryan rolled his eyes at Crimson and a blush filled her cheeks.

"Not until you delete that video." Nao responded, his shoulders causing Crimson to bob up and down.

"Surely you can get out of this?" Ryan said to Crimson quietly.

Crimson pressed her lips together, "I can but it's nice being carried around. He's my own personal transport."

Nao laughed, "You'd like to ride me all day long." He said suggestively.

Crimson kicked him in the chest, "I don't have the right equipment for that one. But Ryan does."

"Well then, Ryan. I guess that you get a free ticket for the Noako express. First stop, my dick."

Crimson pressed her lips tighter, preventing a laugh escaping at Ryan's highly uncomfortable expression.

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