Chapter 4 - Today was a fun day

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"We could try Mama Motta's." Crimson suggested quietly before biting into her Big Mac.

Nao shook his head, "No, she's away on business." Nao stole one of Ryan's fries and placed it in his mouth thoughtfully, "How about Max?"

Crimson rolled her eyes, "Because he just happens to be a model and walks around shirtless?"

Ryan and Peter exchanged amused looks as they sat in the back seats of the car, McDonald's on there lap. Crimson and Nao sat up front, eyes trained intently on the entrance of the darkened alley, alert for any threats. The shadows cast by the afternoon sun danced with the litter that blew in a routine known only to itself.

"Hey," Nao looked vaguely offended, "Max also happens to be a nice guy who they wouldn't suspect as harbouring fugitives." Nao looked back at the twins with a smirk, "If you haven't gathered by now, I'm Gay."

Ryan laughed, "We figured that out, thanks."

An awkward silence filled the air for a moment before Crimson sighed, "Way to kill the conversation Naoko. What about your family?"

Nao frowned slightly, "I don't think-"

"Oh. Right. Sorry." Crimson interupted, "Do you want to talk about it later?"

Nao shook his head but quickly the slight frown was replaced with his usual smile, "We could go to the warehouse."

Crimson bit her lips slightly, "That could work until we find a safe house."

"Um," Ryan interrupted, "We don't have any clothes or anything."

"Top of your priority list is clothes? People are trying to kill you." Crimson asked with a laugh.

Ryan rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean."

"We can never go home again, can we?" Peter asked quietly, "What about mum and dad? Are they in danger?"

"I don't know." Crimson said sadly, " It depends why you have a contract on your head. Many factors are in play here; how bad they want you, what you did and were they involved. If either of you have any ideas, you need to tell me and you need to tell me now."

The twins exchanged wary glances. Ryan ran a hand through his hair, a habit it he had when he was nervous or scared. Peter dropped his gaze to fix on his hands clenched in his lap.

"I hate not knowing! It makes me feel so helpless. Both of you know what's what and where to go to keep us safe but we've managed to fail at helping you help us."

Crimson observed in for a moment, they were displaying the characteristics of someone who was telling the truth. There shoulders sat even and relaxed as they maintained open body language. Both boys moved in the way of an honest man.

Nao looked at Crimson and she nodded, "They don't know. They're not lying to us."

"Good." Naoko said with a grin aimed at Peter, "Otherwise I'd have to get rough with you."

Peter avoided Nao's charcoal eyes to look at the book that was resting on his lap, 'The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action'. He traced the contours of the embossed cover with a pointed index finger.

"Let's see that." Nao said excitedly grabbing the book from Peters lap.

He opened up the thick paper back revealing page after page of diagrams and information on everything. Between the neat print, Peter had scribbled notes and annotations in thin, grey pencil.

Nao's smile widened as he flicked through, "So, you're a Chemistry buff, huh?"

Peter shrugged, "Not really."

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