Chapter 7

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By the the time Nao had returned, a stack of pizza's in hand, the twins looked ready to collapse. Crimson wondered absently if she had pushed them too hard. Sweat was slowly trickled off their foreheads in meandering rivers as they gasped for breath.

Even Ryan, the sports star at school, was worn out. Crimson hadn't broken a sweat. She was used to the extreme workouts; fitting three hours worth of exercise into only half an hour.

"I've never been more glad to see you!" Peter gasped between shallow breaths at Nao's appearance

"Is it him or the Pizza?" Ryan asked, his eyes trained on the cardboard boxes.

Nao placed them on the counter, "It's me, I'm way more tasty than pizza."

Peter pushed passed Nao, "Don't flatter yourself. Nothing is better than Pizza."

He picked up one of the boxes and flipped open the lid. The smell of cheesy dough filled the room almost instantly.

"Ryan." Peter said as he passed the Pepperoni pizza to his twin and picked up the next.

As he open the lid, a look of pure outrage crossed his red features, "Pineapple doesn't belong in a pizza!" He said in horror, "No fruit should ever go near this cheesy goodness."

Nao snatched the pizza from Peters grasp and Crimson smiled at them.

"Pineapple can go on a pizza if it wants. Don't discriminate against Pineapple." Nao took a large bite of his pizza, "And I'll have you know, it's delicious."

The next box Peter opened was his own so Crimson grabbed the last box off the counter.

"Pineapple is a dessert food. You don't mix it with savoury foods. That's just wrong." Peter rebuckled.

Nao picked off a piece of Pineapple and flicked it at Peter, "Eat your own pizza and stop upsetting mine."

A sweetcorn missile flew through the air in retaliation, "Fine."

Crimson sat next to Ryan in the circle so she was sitting adjacent to Peter. The pizza set her taste buds alive with a symphony of flavours, the creaminess of the cheese perfectly complemented by the salty bacon and heat provided by the pepperoni.

"Where do we get a drink in this place?" Peter asked looking around the room, "I'm parched and haven't had a drink all day."

"I'll show you." Nao said and led Peter out the room.

Ryan took another bite of his pizza and Crimson watched his lips twist up into a smile.

"Where'd Nao get this? It's one of the best pizza's outside of Italy I've ever tasted." Ryan asked.

Crimson laughed, "He got it from his work. His boss is a little Italian man who came over here to 'show the world what Italian food is really like'."

"How many jobs does he have?"

"Two official. The Italian restaurant is only when he's needed. In my time off I sometimes help out as well." Crimson leaned in slightly closer to Ryan dropping her tone, "But I think it's only because I'm Italian and can bring the male clientele back."

Ryan chuckled, "I can see why you'd bring in the customers." Blood rushed to his face as he processed what he just admitted, "I didn't mean that you would only bring people in because you're hot. I mean attractive." He stumbled as Crimson held back her laughter.

"I know I'm hot." Crimson said through her laughter, "That's the only reason I have a job. I know you're probably thinking I've got a big Ego for saying that. Everyone always does."

Crimson's laughter stopped and her face hardened into the stone mask she used to hide her emotions she could feel rising inside her. It was true, she was permanently judged because she knew she was physically pleasing.

She had the perfect combination of blonde hair, blue eyes and a good figure. That's all beauty is conceived to be; the correct combination of physical elements society has told us it pretty.

But Crimson knew real beauty, the kind she could never possess, no matter how hard she tried. True beauty isn't as superficial as skin but the kindness and strength of character to be the person you want to be no matter that obstacle is set in your path. She'd seen real beauty and that's something she'd never forget.

"Are you kidding me?" Nao exclaimed as he walked around the corner, Peter at his side, "Sure Thor has his hammer but the Hulk can't be killed. Thor can! Thor's hammer can't protect him against The Hulks fist."

Peter shot Nao a look as if he was losing his mind, "All Thor has to do is place his hammer on The Hulks chest after he had been knocked over and he's down. And don't forget Thor can summon thunder so even without his hammer he's awesome."

"You're wrong." Nao said sitting down in front of his pizza, "Crimson what do you think?"

"I think if the two of you have any more sexual tension between you you'll be ripping eachothers clothes off." Crimson joked and Peters face flushed bright red.

"I mean Nao's already got you wet, Petie-Pie." Ryan joined in, not wanting to miss the opportunity to tease his brother.

Peter looked down at his trousers where his cup of water had fell, leaving a wet patch over his crotch.

Peter rolled his eyes, turning his attention instead to a, suddenly interesting, piece of ham.

"I'm not Gay." He protested glancing sideways at Nao, "And even if I was, you're not my type." He smiled teasingly.

"Oh please." Nao scoffed, "I'm so your type. I'm everyone's type."

Crimson raised a delicate eyebrow, "Everyone's type? I seem to remember you being rejected very publicly by-"

"Stop." Nao interupted.

"-That extremely attractive-"

"Shut up."

"-Waiter in that Greek Restaurant."

"George." Nao sighed, "The one who could resist."

Ryan closed over his pizza, "You think very highly of yourself, don't you?"

Before Nao could respond something began to beep loudly from one of the nearby computer screen. Crimson jumped to her feet and ran to the monitor.

"What's up?" Nao said, from just behind her left shoulder.

Crimson's eyes scanned the information in front of her as her mind connected pieces of an infinite puzzle.

Crimson glanced backwards at the twins, her body poised with adrenalin, "Get them out of here, Nao. They're here."

"What about you?" Nao asked quietly, "I'm not leaving you here."

"I can look after myself." Crimson insisted and the familiar calm of anticipation settled in her muscles, "They can't. Now, get them out. Keep them safe."

Nao set Crimson with a Don't-you-dare-get-yourself-killed look before herding the boys towards the back door.

Crimson walked to the various weapons and surveyed her choices. A gun wasn't appropriate in this situation, not when she knew that's what they were expecting. Her hand closed around the shafts of two identical Samari swords as the heavy metal door exploded off its hinges.

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