Chapter 8

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"Ryan," Nao called, hiding the concern in his practiced tone, "Grab those rucksacks from over there."

Nao looked around the small room, his eyes scanning for anything they might have missed in Crimson's room. They needed to go. Now.

Ryan flung the bag over his shoulder and moved towards the door. Nao watched the boys ass in appreciation before turning back to Crimson's bed. He slipped his hand under the matress and his hand closed around the picture frame.

He pulled it out and slipped it wordlessly beneath his jacket and followed Ryan out the room. Peter was standing in the hallway muttering to his twin, worry lines creasing his forehead.

Peter was carefully carrying Nao's own weapon of choice; a metal case filled with chemicals. Each vile inside was surrounded with foam casing preventing any damage to the precious cargo.

"This way." Nao said and he began down a small hallway, "Crimson can only delay them so long, then they're coming for you two."

"What about you?" Peter whispered, just loud enough for Nao to hear, "Won't they be coming for you?"

"Yes but it doesn't matter about me." Nao responded before he stopped in his tracks in the middle of the hallway.

They were standing in a wood paneled hall on the opposite end of the compound. The light flickered dimly shedding limited light across the walls. Nao glanced back at the twins as he pushed on one of the panels.

The wood gave way under his hand revealing a long, dark hallway. Without hesitation, Nao plunged himself into the familiar darkness. His feet moved without thought across the uneven ground. The door slipped shut behind them and Nao let out a breath of relief.

"Lock the door." Nao commanded but neither twin moved.

"But what about Crimson?" Ryan asked, his voice wavering slightly, "We can't just lock her in. What if she never comes out?"

A cold wave of anxiety washed over Nao. Was he really going to walk away and leave his best and, until recently, only friend to possibly die alone? He knew he was no good in combat situations. He pushed the thought aside as his eyes met the silhouette of Peter and his chemicals.

"Fuck it." Nao mumbled and turned back towards the door, "You two follow this tunnel straight out. Don't stop, don't turn back no matter what you hear. If you're confronted and it's a choice between fight and flight, always run. You can't defend yourself."

Nao reached out and attempted to take the case from Peter but his grip held firm.

"Don't get yourself killed, please." Peter mumbled. into the darkness and relinquished his grasp.

Nao leaned in so his lips were only milimeters from his ear. Peters intoxicating scent made Nao's head spin. He wanted to stay this close to him but he knew Peter would pull away.

"Don't worry," Nao whispered so Ryan couldn't hear, "I'll always come back for you."

Nao heard Peter suck in a sharp breath as he pulled away and pulled open the door. The orange glow pierced the darkness illuminating Peter's unnerved expression.

It was cute. He was cute.

He shook the thought out of his head. Now was not the time to be thinking about how gorgeous Peter was. Or how his geeky little quirks make Nao feel safe. Or how his eyes shine with when they talk about Chemistry. Or the way his hair is tossled in just the right way. Now was not the time to be falling for Peter, and falling hard.

The slipped shut behind Nao and he took off in a sprint down the corridor. His hand brushed the picture frame nestled under his jacket and he regretted bringing it. Crimson would kill him if it broke but she would kill him if he gave it to either of the twins. Crimson was just going to kill him.

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