Wake Up

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I woke up in a strange bed , In a strange room.
Where was I, I wondered as I mindlessly got up.
"Lorna, sweetie breakfast is ready."
I whirled around as a pretty, red headed woman entered my room. She had light eyes and a bright smile.

Although I hadn't a clue as to who she was I responded.
"Oh ok." I fumbled numbly.
Who the hell was this lady, and where was I?
She knew my name, and I guess she kinda looked like me but no...she couldn't be, I didn't know her,

The nice woman left the room as I got up and dressed.
Only the clothes weren't like the ones I was used to. They were weird, like from the 80's or something.
"What the-" I mumbled to myself a I grabbed a sweater and a pair of acid washed jeans.

I looked around the room for clues as to where I was and saw serval pictures of me along with the woman, an almost robotic looking man and two younger boys.

They looked about ten or eleven, probably around four years younger than me.
But who was I?
I knew my name of course, but I couldn't remember anything about my life. Was this my home? We're those people my family?

I sifted through the desk in the counter of the room and eventually came across a diary.
The only problem being that it was locked and I didn't know where the key was.

"Lorna!" The woman called from downstairs.
I'd have to worry about it later, but something caught my eye.
On the back of the diary were the entails LM, the L must have stood for Lorna but what was the M for?

Ignoring my worries I went downstairs to the kitchen.
The house was quite nice actually with cool furniture and a nice tv, although it looked about a decade or two old.
What generation was this?
Oh well.
I sat down at the kitchen table next to the woman.
Soon enough the two boys from the photo and the robot man came to sit down.
The woman who'd I'd assumed by now was my mother got to and served us a nice meal.
Pancakes, with bacon, syrup and a variety of fruit.
Even if I didn't know where I was or who these people were, at least I was safe and well care for.

"How did you sleep." Asked the red cyborg man. It took me a moment to realize the question was directed at me.
"Oh uh, good." I lied because in truth I couldn't remember.

Geez, did I have amnesia or something?

"Billy, Tommy?" He asked the two boys.
So those were their names, alright. Now I just needed to figure out the names of the adults.
"Fine." Said billy, while eating his pancakes.
"I had a cool dream." Tommy said.
"Oh really, that sounds pleasant." The man said, tommy nodded enthusiastically.
"What about you Wanda?" He asked the woman.

Wanda replied with a smile and said, "oh just fine dear, you?"
"Great." He said, "I can tell this is going to be a good day."

I wasn't so sure about that, I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it wasn't just because I was in an unfamiliar place with no memories.
"Hey mom?" I asked casually, hoping that Wanda was indeed my mother, "remind me again, how long have we lived in this house for?"

She laughed like I'd said something comical and waved me off.
"Oh don't be silly, you know we've lived here since before you were born."
"Right sorry, I just...forgot."
She gave me a strange look but shrugged it off.

"Oh Vision, honey, can you pass me the syrup?" She asked.
Vision or I guess he was my dad handed my mom the syrup.
Just then there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." Wanda said and with the flick of her wrist the door flew open.
I gaped at the red magic that emanated around the doorway in shock.

What in the hell!? Who was this woman!?
"Howdy, neighbours!" Called a voice as a woman with dark hair and blue eyes strutted in.
She seemed very upbeat, and happy, abnormally happy.
"Agnes..." Wanda said awkwardly, "how nice of you to stop by, we were just enjoying breakfast."

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