Agatha Harkness

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So as it turned out, last night, I sorta lost control.
I don't know why, I just did. I mean it was the first time my powers had sever been like that and I suppose my anxiety about vision sorta amped it up.

After I'd fainted, mom and my brothers had brought me back home.
Wanda later explained that this was because I was using to much power so it overloaded my brain.
I just needed rest, and a chance to train myself.
She promised she wouldn't let me get out of control again.
But that wasn't enough. I wanted her to teach me, so that I could control it.
Burt unfortunately she wouldn't, and there was nothing I could do about it.

As for vision, mom didn't bother to find him.
She promised us that he was safe but that was all.
"Your fathers made of vibranium, he'll be fine." Was all she had said.

Tommy and billy were also understandably tired from last night and the powers they'd begun to display.
It was clear however that I was far more powerful, and dangerous.
I didn't want that, I didn't want to hurt anyone.

That morning while we were playing video games, weird things started to happen.
The remote controls began to glitch and went from game boys to cards and then back to remotes. It was really strange, and it kept happening. First with orange juice and then the couch itself which changed back and forth from the one we'd had in the 80's to this one.

"Mom are you coming down soon?" Billy asked, "our game is freaking out." Tommy added, as we gathered around her bed.
She just pulled there covers over her head.
"Are you asleep?" Tommy asked.
"Mommies not sleeping honey," she replied, "she's just...resting her eyes.
"Mom, my head feels weird." Billy complained, "it's like, really noise. I don't like it."
"Resting," she repeated once more with closed eyes.
We sighed and left to go play with our game but it only resulted in tommy and billy fighting.
"Guys stop." I scolded while lounging on the couch. I wasn't a great big sister but I couldn't stand the constant bickering.
"I had it first!" They shouted only stopping once Wanda came down the straits.

I had to do a double check to make sure my eyes were working right, but sure enough there was our mom, in a one o'clock - on a Sunday.

Billy and Tommy stoped their fighting, we all exchanged worries glances. We'd never seen her like this before.
I mean granted I didn't have the memories of my life before these past couple days but still...I could tell my mom wasn't the type of person to wear pyjamas and a robe all day.

We watched helplessly as she slumped around.
This wasn't normal, I though, not at all.

"Have you seen your dad?" Mom asked as she came back into the room.
"No," I said, "you wanna go look for him?"
She shrugged, "well if he doesn't want to be here there's nothing I can do about it." She said while slurping up her cereal.

She grabbed the remote and changed the Chanel, ultimately ending our video game.
"Hey mom," billy asked cautiously, "last night uncle Pete said that thing about killing dad-"
"Don't believe anything that man says," Wanda said pointing we spoon at us, "he is not your uncle."
"Who is he then?" Asked Tommy nervously.

She paused for a second like she didn't know the answer.
"Here's the thing kids," she said putting down her bowl of cereal.
"I'm your mom...and as such, you are counting on me to have all the answers, right?"
We nodded.
"Well I don't." she said somewhat hysterically, "I answers!" She exclaimed laughing like she': lost it.
"Zip-zero-zilp." She snickered.

Yep, our mother had officially lost her marbles.
"I'm staring to believe that...everything is meaningless." She decided.
Oh god, I thought, And from the looks on my brothers faces they were thinking the same thing.

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