Carry me with you

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Making it home, mom and dad tucked us in to bed one last time.
I knew the truth, what would happen. But maybe that was okay.

"You had a big day today." Mom said caressing my forehead, "whatcha thinking."
I shrugged.
"I dunno, I just love you."
"I love you too." She replied with a kiss on my cheek.
Tommy and billy climbed onto the bed beside me with dad and we huddled together.
This would be the last time we'd be together.

"Your mother and I are very proud of you." Our father said.
"Very proud." Mom reiterated, "and you know, a family is everything. We could never truly leave each other, even if we tried.
You know that right?"
I nodded bittersweetly, "we know." I murmured even though I was having a hard time believing it.
Mom kissed us once more before tucking us into our separate beds.

I don't know if my brothers knew what was happening, but even if they did they said nothing.
"Goodnight kids." Dad said, "night," mom whispered.
"Goodnight." We echoed.

They lingered at the door for a moment with heavy hearts. I didn't dare look out our bedroom window, to the fading hex I knew they were staring at.
Soon this would all be like a dream.

"Kids." Mom said, "thanks for choosing me to be your mom."
Although we didn't really know what that meant we smiled back.
And then they closed the door for the last time, and although I knew it wasn't goodbye sure felt that way.

As my brothers eyes closed and the rest of wandas fake reality faded away I went and stared out the window.
I had never felt more alive, despite being so close to ending.
But had I ever really lived in the first place.
Who was I, what was I.
A couple of days ago I didn't even have my memories. But after getting them back and realizing that I'd known Agathas plan all along, I couldn't help but feel cheated.
Because just when I remembered how much my family meant to me and how badly I wanted to stay with them they were being taken away again.

And what would it feel like when the hex washed me away...till only my memory in my mother's mind remained.

And how would she be without us, without her family.
Tears feel to the floor, sprinkling my home with sorrow.
Westview was my life, my home, and it might have been fake to everyone else...but it had always been real to me.

The fading hex grew closer, its glow panting my face red.
My brothers bodies relaxed, they wouldn't feel a thing.

I glanced at the picture frame on my bedside table. The one of me, and my mom and dad and brothers. The one where we were infinitely happy. Where I didn't even realize how fragile I really was.

I wasn't ready to let go...but if I didn't I'd just be making the same mistakes that created Westview to being with.

The hex tore through the exterior of our home. I could feel it buzzing, calling for me to return to it. To the magic.
Maybe this wasn't ending after all. Maybe it was beginning, I just hoped my brothers would begin again with me.

I shut my eyes and press my hands to my chest. No one could ever take away Westview from me...because I was Westview, we all were.

And so as my body disintegrated, and my mind went blank, I wasn't afraid, or sad, or angry.
I was at peace, and I would fine my way back to my mom.
I had to. And even if I didn't, I knew she would carry me with her.

Wow okay this was very sappy, I know and it was also a very short story but I promises to continue it once doctor strange and the multiverse of madness comes out. I have a feeling both Agnes and the twins will return 😏

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