The Scarlet Witch

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Dad flew of to fight the other vision as the soldiers pointed their guns at Agnes.
She didn't give them much of a chance to shoot before lifting them into the air.

"Same story, different century." She said sounding bored.
"There will always be torches and pitch forks for ladies like us, Wanda."
She then sent them flying to the ground.
I gasped, but our mom caught them in the nick of time. Right before there bodies would've broken on the concrete.

"Kids, handle the military. Mommy will be right back." She said before flying off to chase Agatha.

I glanced at my brothers with a keen smile. This was what we'd been waiting for.
I nodded to Billy and with our combined magic we managed to freeze the soldiers in time.
Tommy then zipped around and disarmed them, taking even a cap and glasses.
Then a man came out of his car and pointed his gun at us.

We didn't have time to stop him before the shots rang in our ears.
"Stand down!!" Monica screamed, diving to protect us.
The bullets hit her body and went straight through before dropping to the floor. It was like she were made of jello, but whatever it was the bullets didn't harm her.
She saved us.

One bullet she didn't manage to stop flew towards me. I reached out my hand and seamlessly stoped it before it would've pierced my skin.
Monica turned to us in astonishment.
"Nice tricks". She said.
I grinned, "thanks, I like yours too."

The man who tired to shot us ran back and hopped into his car. He didn't get very far away though when an ice cream truck slammed into his side.
I watched the kick ass woman inside in awe as Monica helped us to safety but I didn't stay still long.

Suddenly from the roof of the library white vision burst through the glass and sped away. Our father came out a moment later and we came into a tight embrace.
Meanwhile on the roof Agatha watched us with fury in her eyes.
I winked at my mom who snuck up behind her and whisked them away to someplace else.

"Where did they go?" Tommy asked.
I shook my head, "I - I don't know.
Minutes later they appeared back in thin air.
As mom fell Agatha retained her flight and flew high up. Our mother following in short succession as the battle that had been brewing for days came to a head.

We watched in horror as mom sent blasts of her magic towards Agnes who sucked it up greedily.
"What's she doing!" I shouted, "if Agnes absorbs all her power she'll die!"

Our father flew to help her but mom pushed him back to the ground.
"This is my fight!" She shouted.

"Common Wanda!" Agatha cackled.
Pure fury broiled inside of me and at that moment I rose from the ground.

Soaring towards Agatha with all my power I collided into her body. She screeched and reread backwards.
"Stay out of this Lorna!" She seethed, "don't make me kill you too."
"I. Won't. Let. You. Hurt. Her!" I screamed flying towards her at full speed.

Agnes sent a blast my way that struck my chest. I writhed in pain and fell a few feet towards the ground.
"NO!" Mom screamed but Agatha hit me again and sent me flying down to the earth.
Blacking out for a second I didn't see as dad flew up to save me.

"What were you thinking!" He asked as is struggled.
"No! Let go, I can help! I can help!" I fought but it was no use.
Tears of pain and fear flooded my eyes as Agathas laughs echoed in my ears.

She was taking every bit of magic our mom had to give and I could see it killing her, I could feel it. Like a part of me was being torn in the middle.

"THERES MORE!" Agatha hissed, "I WANT IT ALL."
Mom went mental and sent blast after blast until her whole body was a ball of red magic.

When it was all over she hung limply in the air. Agatha glowed, red and purple whirling around her as she devoured our mother's strength.

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