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Wanda went ghastly pale, her glowing eyes disappeared.
"Mom." I managed to choke out, snapping her back to her senses.
"It's going to be okay." She said to us, I didn't believe her.
"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Wanda." Agatha said still strangling the three of us.
"In fact..." Agatha started, "just a little more pressure and, well...all the life will be choked out of them. Or there tiny little necks will break."

"Let us go!" I manage to choke out once more.
Agnes slowly descended to the ground and we took this as our chance. I nodded to my brothers and we all ran at once.

Agatha yanked on the ropes like collars and sent us flying backwards.
The three of us landed hard on the pavement,
Air winded from us, backs bruised and heads bloody.

I gasped as I felt the sickly feeling of warm blood trickle down my neck.
At seeing this Wanda lost it and sent a blast that sent Agnes tumbling.
She groaned as her head collided with the ground.

"Go to your room." Mom ordered us.
"No!" I shouted, "we're staying here to help you."
"Listen to your mother, kids." Cackle Agatha as she rose seamlessly of the pavement.
"Now!" Wanda barked.

Glancing back at Agnes we ran. Me and Tommy helped billy since he couldn't run as fast.

When we made it home we dashed to our bedroom windows.
Dad was fighting a white version of himself and Wanda had just thrown a car at Agnes.

"We can't just stay here we need to help." I said pacing around.
"What's can we do?" Billy asked helplessly.
The boys gasped suddenly. "Dad just slammed the other vision into the ground!" Tommy gasped.
"Oh god." I muttered as the white vision rose from the ground and continued to demolish our father.
Then they sped away.

"I can't see them anymore." I said, "can you?"
The boys shook their heads.
Billy closed his eyes and I saw the chills run down his spine.
Whatever he saw, it wasn't good.
"What's wrong?" Timmy asked as billy eyes shot open.
"We've gotta go." He told us.
I grabbed his hand and Tommy's and ran them at the speed of light to were our mother was.

"What did you see, where are they?" I asked talking a momentary pause.
"Town square." Billy panted, "Agnes is hurting her."
"What about dad did you see him?"
Billy shook his head.
"Alright lets get to mom, dad will be fine." I assured them.
We ran as fast as magically possible but came to a halt right before our mom.

I heard my brothers screams before my own and then the most terrible pain.

Our bodies became pixilated, breaking off and glitching away in chunks as we feel to the floor. I screamed in agony, begging Wanda to stop. She turned to us with tears in hr eyes and she destroyed the world shed created.
"Wanda no!" I hear our father yell.

My vision became blurry as my hands and legs disintegrated along with my brothers. If Wanda didn't stop we were all about to die.

"Now do you see." Agathas voice boomed in my ears. "You tied your family to this twisted world and now one can't exist without the other. Save westview or save your family." She continued as we all died in the ground.

With our screams barely audible Wanda stoped the spell, pulling her magic inside and falling on the ground in agony.
We got up right away and rushed to her side.
"Mom! Mom are you okay?" We asked helping her up.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." She said rapping us up in her arms.

Just then Agatha sent a blast our way.
Mom protected us with a force field but with every ounce of energy she used more was sucked from her.

She screamed as her magic was drained and her hands went grey, almost black.
"Mom..." tommy whispered.
"Are you okay?" Billy asked.

Mom nodded but Agatha glided towards us.
"How sweet." She leered.
Then the white vision appeared along with the  S.W.O.R.D vehicles.
We were corned from every ankle, trapped.
We all raised our hands, and I gasped as mine began to glow.
"Listen kids, we never really prepared you for all this-" said vision.
"But you are born for it." Wanda said.
I nodded. I knew that, and I wasn't gonna let another person I loved be hurt.
We were heros. This is what we were made for.

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