The Basement

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Agnes dragged us kicking and screaming down to the basement.
The strange, dark, magical basement.
"Agatha stop." I screamed which only resulted in her throwing me to the ground.
A moment later I was thrust up by something more powerful than I'd ever felt.

Agathas magic.

She then slammed me back into the hard stone floor.
"Do you want me to break you kneecaps, cause I will." She threatened.
I cried out in pain before her magic bound my hands and legs.
"Don't make me hurt you." She warned.

Billy and Tommy who where in shock hung limply from her grip.
"Please don't hurt us." Tommy whined, but it was to no avail.

Agatha dragged us to a dungeon like place and with the flick of her wrist, pinned us against the wall.
No matter how hard I struggled  her magic bound me there.
"Let us go!" I screeched.
Tommy and billy did the same, wriggling around like mad.

"Why are you doing this?" Tommy asked, "who are you?"
Agatha sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Well I already told you dear. I'm Agatha."
"We know who you are!" I spat, "we want to know what your doing in Westview."

"Well I'm here for your mother of course." She remarked, "poor Wanda, thinking she was in control, believing that you and her sweet husband were anything more than her magical manifestation."
"What do you mean, why are we here?" Billy cried.
"Well I can't have you up there," she said matter of factly, "not before I've spilled the beans to your mom."

"She's going to find us." I retorted furiously.
Agatha tilted her head back and cackled maniacally.
"Oh that's rich, and so stupid. Have you really not realized's been me all along.
All the little mishaps happening in your mothers fake world,
That little mutt of yours sparky.
That was all me." She triumphed.

I gasped, "you killed sparky! But why!?"
"Because I needed to push your mother over the edge," she explained, "to wake her up from this delusional little fantasy.
Unfortunately my plans became a bit cloudy after you figured out my secret, but I dealt with that too."

"You erased my memories," I rasped, "then why give them back now?"
"Because I have no more use of my secrets, not now when Wanda's about to realize everything. And when she does, well...I think you and your brothers will be a nice little bargaining chip for me."

"Your going to use us a leverage." I realized, "Agatha how could you, I trusted you!"
"You all did," she smirked, "oh how wrong you were."
"What are you going to do with us." Sniffed billy.
"Well, first I'm gonna make sure you can't escape, then I'm going to reveal my self to your mom, and finally - if everything goes to plan - I will kill you. Maybe, I'm still working out the kinks."

My heart dropped. I couldn't die, especially not at the hands of someone so wicked.
"Unless of course you behave," she added, "then I might be inclined to spare at least one of you."

I looked up at Agatha with watery eyes, and anger, so much anger.
"You betrayed us!" I seethed, "your going to pay for that."
But Agatha merely laughed.
As she drew closer I had to try hard to prevent my whole body from trembling.

She touched my cheek, and something inside me burst open.
Like fire, and explosion.
I wouldn't let her hurt my mom, or my brothers.

"You will never defeat her." I started but she shushed me with a slap across the face. It wasn't very hard but I was still shocked.

"Defeat her- no, no darling, I merely want to understand her, control her maybe but not kill her.
You see you ur mom is very special, and I can use that, for myself. But before that I need to figure a few things out.
What makes her tick for example, how she, an untrained, young witch was able to create an entire reality on autopilot."

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