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I didn't fall asleep last night, not really anyways though when I'd woken up the next morning everything had once again changed.
It was no longer the 80's and defiantly no where as tense as the house had been last night.

As I soon found out the man who'd come to the door, the one my mother had called pietro was my uncle, her brother.
He used to be dead, but now somehow he was back, and different according to Wanda.

As I got out of bed that morning I noticed what looked like a witches costume laid out for me.
I didn't know who put it their but got dressed anyways.
Surprisingly but not unexpectedly there were kids everywhere. I'm the park, down the street, and they all wore costumes.

Halloween, I remembered. So Wanda must have let made them all come out, but what did they do the other times?

I brushed it off and changed before walking downstairs to where my brothers were playing with our uncle.

He was racing around, scaring them and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Somebody better be bleeding, broken or fire." Wanda said storming down the stairs.
"Wow, mom, nice costume." I said as she struck a pose.
"Are you old red riding hood?" Billy asked, I snorted.
"I'm a sokovian fortune teller." She said like it was obvious.
Although I didn't know what that was I nodded kindly.

"Wow," exclaimed Pietro, "that is so-"
"Rad!" Tommy said.
"Lame." Pietro corrected. "Lame." Tommy said a second later.
Wanda frowned, "hey!"

Then vision came down the stairs looking ridiculous.
"Oh my god." I stifled a laugh.
"Whoa, sweet costume bro." Pietro said, "let me guess, traffic light, half shucked corn."
I could tell they were neither of those things.
"Thank you for humouring me and wearing this ridiculous getup, honey." Wanda thanked him.
"Well there were no other clothes in my closet so..."
There was a very awkward silence and then he smiled, "you are encouragable darling." He said changing his tone.
Ew, then they stared joking about wrestling.
Weird, parents were weird.

Ignoring the two I went to play video games with my brothers.
After vision left for neighbourhood watch we left with mom and Pietro.

Still mom was off beat the whole time, like things weren't going to plan or something.
"Are you okay mom?" I asked, trailing a little behind her.
"Of course sweetie, I'm fine." She assured me. It was an outright lie.

We went to watch a movie and then afterwards went to return all the candy Pietro had helped us get, mom wasn't very pleased with him and I overheard their entire conversation.
It wasn't settling at all.

"Hey lor," called Tommy, let's get to that next house before all the candy is gone, "common I'll race ya."
"Oh your on." I said raising a brow, and knowing of course I'd win.
Tommy didn't have super speed like me, at least he didn't before.

Although I was still faster he had gained some powers.
"Alright, two children of the old maximoff block!" Petite I exclaimed, "you've both got super speed!"
"Take it slow baby okay," mom warned but Tommy didn't want to.
Within seconds he'd been to every house there was candy at.

Mom then grabbed him, "if your gonna break the sound barrier, please just take your brother with you. And Lorna sweetheart, please watch them." She ordered.
Tommy sighed, billy hadn't shown any signs of powers yet like the two of us.

"Really?" Billy asked excitedly.
"Really?" Asked Tommy slumping.
"Really," mom said "yes and please just remember-"
"Don't go last Ellis avenue." We repeated since she'd already warned us twice.
"Why do I have to go with them?" I whined, in annoyance.
"Because, your the oldest and the strongest." She reminded me.
"Fineee," I sighed, before we speed off.
"Be careful!" Mom called as we ran off.

Running at the speed of light was fun but, as we fooled around I couldn't help but feel like I was getting stronger.
Like there was energy just waiting to burst from my bones.
"Guys wait." I said causing them to freeze in mid air.
We all gasped as golden light shon form my eyes and palms of my hands.
"What's happening to me!?" I whispered in a shocked voice as my body lifted off the ground. I could feel energy everywhere, it was uncontrollable.

"Whoa!" They both said in unison, "your just like mom!" Billy gasped.
And I was like her. I stared at billy and a second later he was lifted off the ground, golden light swirling around him.
"Whoaaaa!" They explained again.
"I can't believe this." I said, "I mean this is crazy, look at this." I sent billy back to the ground and focused my energy on a hay bail not to far off.
With a wave of my hand and a puff of golden smoke it was manipulated into a pumpkin.
"No way!" Billy stammered.

Suddenly billy looked up to the sky, as if he heard something from far off.
"Billy? Billy are you-" he raised his hand and Tommy's powers stoped. Blue light, and energy, much like my my own emanated from his hand.
"Whoa, billy-"
"Shh." He shushed Tommy,
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Mom!" He yelled suddenly.

"Mom! mom, mom, mom!" He screamed and we came to a halting stop before her.
"What - what is it?" She asked, panicked
"I hear dad in my head," billy panted, "he's in trouble. I don't understand what's happening to me."
"Where is he, where is your dad?" She asked.
"Hey don't sweat it sis," Pietro started saying "it's not like your dead husband can die twice."
And at that Wanda lost it.
She whirled around at our uncle and blasted him away with her powers.
I flinched and stammered away from her.
"Billy, I need you to focus," she said seriously.
"I can't tell," he cried, "he sees...soldiers. I think he's dying!" He screamed.
Mom went pale and froze everyone with her magic.

Her eyes glowed red and just like that an enormous eruption or red magic exploded across the town, expanding, moving, chasing.
"Mom! What are you doing!?" I yelled grabbing her hand, she knocked me to the ground with a blast. It don't hurt but it still shocked me.

And as though it activated my own powers my eyes began to glow.
"Mom, what did you do!?" I shriek as I began to glow and flair into the air.
Random zaps of power shooting from my hands and fingertips.
"Mom she's out of control!" Billy yelled.
"'Mom help!" I cried.
She opened her eyes which stopped glowing.

"Lorna, Lorna calm down..."she said softly, "control it, okay, honey. Control it."
"I can't." I shuddered as I tried to keep the power inside me.
"It's okay," she whispered, "just calm down, your dads going to be find okay, just calm down."
She floated up in the air and grabbed my hands, I flinched as sparks flew through the air. Our magic was reacting to one another.
"Shhh, it's okay." She shushed,"just breath."
"Just breath."
And that's went everything started to go dark...

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