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I woke up with a headache I could barely register anything around me. I saw a figure facing their back towards me "Where am I?" I asked not speaking to anyone specifically. The figure turned around and took out some kind of communicator? He typed something in and hurriedly left the room. My vision was starting to clear, I looked at my surroundings. In front of me were iron bars and a locked door. I was sitting on a bed that was not the most comfortable and in a more closed area was a toilet with a sink. I tried to remember how I got here when I remembered the event that had taken place on EVO. I stood up now remembering everything. I had to get out, whoever those people were they could not know that I'm Xelqua. I looked around trying to find a way to escape.

I heard footsteps quickly coming closer so I sat back down and pretended like I did not just try to find a way out. In front of me was a tall man. He wore armor and his helmet covered his face. At his side, he had a sword. Beside him stood the man in the helmet. "So, you have awoken," the tall man said, I decided against a comeback and stayed silent. "I'm Hypixel, who are you?" a simple question, something I've questioned myself before. They can't know who I really am, it would just cause chaos. "My name is Grian" "Alright Grian, why were you on that server and why did you attack us?" crap, how do I explain this "I don't know how I got to that island I was just asleep in my bed when I woke up and found myself on the server" Hypixel seemed to believe it but the other guy what was his name? I think one of the people mentioned it, oh right X-eye-zomma or something like that, well he gave me a suspicious look. "And why did you attack us?" Hypixel asked again, "I-I don't know I just felt some mysterious force control me I just had no control over my actions" I mean it's not a complete lie I thought to myself My watcher side did sort of have control. "Right well you're going to have to stay another night here while I and the other admins discuss. He turned away and walked out the door with Xisuma trailing behind he turned to me once more to give me a suspicious look before hurrying to follow the taller man.

Xisuma POV

I don't know what it was, maybe I had trust issues because of EX, but something seemed off about Grian if that even was his name. It just felt like too much of a coincidence that someone who wasn't even an admin just so happen to be on a server that was supposedly a myth. I shook my head trying to concentrate on the meeting. "I suggest we let him stay in one of our servers. So we can watch him ya know?" someone suggested. Everyone seemed to agree," alright who is going to take him in" Hypixel said,everyone went quiet.

"Oh come on guys! One of you has to take him in, and all of you know damn well I can't" I let the thought wander around in my head, I would be able to make sure he didn't do anything suspicious plus he might get along well with the hermits. But if he was dangerous he might endanger my server. I thought about it for a few more seconds until I eventually stood up, "I'll take him"

Oh hello there Reader! I hope you haven't forgotten about me. It would be a pity if you had now wouldn't it? Oh but this isn't about me this is about the story I'm telling. Well dear reader you must have found it quite boring to read all of this. It's just about a man who has went through traumatic things and the hermit are going to help him recover and that stuff. That's hopefully not what you're thinking. Because if so, well then I should inform you that far far away from the place where Grian is locked in. Is a tower, a tall big purple ominous tower. Inside that tower there lie sinister beings, beings that are planning the downfall of Grian before he even got to meet the hermits. Other authors might leave you here making you figure it out on your own. But you see I'm not the author, I am the Narrator I have my own rules, my own will. Now let me tell you about these creatures, their skin is pale heck almost grey their hair is mostly white or black and they cover up most of their body with cloaks and clothing items. But the thing that stands out the most is their mask. The mask that caused poor Grian so much pain. If only he knew of the troubles that awaited him. If only he knew of his worst enemies awakening, if only he knew about the rising threat of his past that call themselves Watchers.

The Tale of an EvolutionistWhere stories live. Discover now