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"Hiya, Mum," Dianne smiled, even though her mum couldn't see her through the phone as she stepped on the train after a long day of filming pro dances at Elstree studio for the Strictly finale. It was nearly December, and she couldn't help but feel her shoulders stiffen slightly at the realization that she'd be flying home to Australia for her cousin's wedding in a few short weeks.

"Hi Dot, how are you sweetie?" she heard her mum, Rina, speak into the phone, the familiar tone making her feel that warmth and simultaneous home sickness fill her chest.

"I'm good...tired," Dianne replied, slumping into a free seat in the nearly empty car. "Finished recording today for the now just the live show next week, and I'll be done on Strictly for the year."

"I'm so proud of you," Rina's voice now full of pride, "You're just doing so well over there, Dotty. But we are so excited to see you, too. It's been a long time."

"I know," Dianne smiled, "I'm so excited to see you guys too. And the beach. But mainly you guys."

"I was talking to Aunt Caroline," Rina continued, causing Dianne's stomach to clench at the mention of Penny's mom. "And she was wondering why you haven't RSVP'd yet."

"Oh, I didn't know I had to," Dianne responded, confused. "They know I'm coming, I'm IN the wedding, Mum."

"Well, yes, but Caro wants to know if you're bringing a date," Rina replied, her voice tinged with a bit of innocence that Dianne knew was put on, on purpose. "Didn't you notice, the invitation was addressed to Dianne Buswell and Guest?"


"I know, I told her you and Anthony weren't together anymore," Rina cut her off, "But I just wasn't sure if there was anyone else in the picture."

Dianne held back a sigh.

"It's okay if there's not," Rina added. "You know there is no pressure to be dating. Especially after what happened with Will--"

"Mum, let's just not even go there," Dianne closed her eyes, raising her hand to rub temple. "It was two years ago."

"I know, and that's also what I told Caroline," Rina continued. "She can't REALLY expect you to bring a man all the way to Australia when you're going to be walking down the aisle with your ex."

Dianne froze. For some reason she hadn't even considered she'd have to walk down the aisle with Will, in their respective wedding party roles, and the thought made her want to vomit.

"And you know, Aunt Caro, she just kept pressing me, she thought she'd read something in those tabloids she's always reading about you being back with Anthony, so I said I'd check with you," Rina concluded, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Well," Dianne took a deep breath, her stomach still churning uncomfortably, "I'm not back with Anthony, but--"

"But you ARE dating someone else?!" Rina exclaimed. "Oh, Dot, who? Is it serious?"

Dianne frowned, hearing the relief in her mum's voice at the thought that she was in a relationship.

"Mum, I'm not--"

"I knew you'd find someone," Rina continued, clearly ignoring her daughter's denial, sounding ecstatic, "What's his name?"


"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm being so nosy, I'm sorry Dot," Rina cut her off again, sounding contrite. "Dot, are you there?"

"Yes, but Mum--"

"Honey, you're breaking up," Rina's voice came stuttering through static, and Dianne noticed the train was going under a tunnel, which always broke up her calls.

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