Just Feel It (J)

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"I can't believe we're doing this," Joe heard Dianne grumble under her breath as their Uber pulled up outside the beachside restaurant and pub at sunset.

The luncheon had lasted into the early evening, much to Dianne's dismay, though Joe had enjoyed himself immensely. Mark Buswell was quickly rising to the top of his "Favorite Buswells" list after they'd spent the afternoon debating the pros and cons of football vs. rugby. Although Rina was still up there since she was still supplying him with snacks whenever he was empty handed.

Neither of them could compare with the Buswell standing closely next to him as they entered the crowded bar, though. That had been confirmed today while they stood looking out over the pond and she'd spoken openly and honestly about how she felt being back in her hometown.

Dianne was quickly proving to be much more than the nervous and slightly neurotic woman he'd first met. He had a few warning bells going off in his head at the thought that he was slipping dangerously close to that invisible line he put up with all of his clients...but there was just something about her that seemed to be drawing him in closer and closer with every passing hour.

"There they are," Dianne muttered, breaking him out of his thoughts as he followed her finger pointing toward the loud, boisterous group of young 20-somethings hanging out at a cluster of booths near the back.

"Cheer up," Joe smirked, "This should be fun."

"Should, being the key word," Dianne glared up at him, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Relax," Joe leaned down to whisper in her ear as he noticed a few people turn to look their way. "Just follow my lead, darling."

"As if," Dianne rolled her eyes, but let him wrap an arm around her shoulders, guiding her forward and he couldn't help but smile at the way she seemed to fit perfectly under his arm.

"Oh my GOD you're here!" Penny spoke first, an ear piercing screech that made them both wince. "Guys, this is my cousin Dianne! You know...the pro dancer on Strictly Come Dancing in the UK?! And this gorgeous man next to her is her boyfriend, Joe!"

"Pen, chill," Joe saw Penny's fiancee, Leo, roll his eyes at the over-the-top welcome. "Thanks for coming guys."

"Sure," Joe shot him an easy smile, nodding toward everyone else who sent casual waves of welcome. "Thanks for the invite."

"There's two seats here if you want to sit," Leo gestured to an open spot in the corner booth he was seated at, Penny perched in his lap.

"Thanks," Dianne murmured, sliding in.

"I'll go get drinks, what are you feeling tonight, darling?" Joe leaned in closer to Dianne but kept his voice loud enough everyone could hear. He smiled at the way her cheeks blushed. This is where he excelled in his job - fitting into social situations to help his clients achieve their goal.

Although, in this case, he still wasn't quite sure what Dianne's goal was. Her reaction to Will earlier that day had been unexpected. He was under the impression she still had pretty deep feelings for him...but this afternoon she'd seemed downright uncomfortable around him - judging by the way she'd practically bolted across the garden after two minutes in his presence. 

Dianne was proving to be very unlike his past clients. Usually when the women he accompanied on dates said they wanted to make their exes jealous, they maintained that singular focus throughout the experience with him. It made it easy for him to focus...to zero in on his job and not get too distracted.

But Dianne was all over the place. She had a lot more going on in her head than her lingering feelings for Will, and Joe was beginning to wonder how many more layers he would need to uncover until he found the true Dianne.

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