Let's Not Overthink It

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Fair warning, this is sort of a filler. But it all kicks off next chapter - and then we'll be barreling on to the end from there...probably another 6-7 chapters after this one! Enjoy!


Dianne stared out into the ocean, letting the warmth of the setting sun settle on her bare shoulders. The sand beneath her feet felt comforting, along with the gentle waves that broke continuously on the shore just a few feet away.

It was strangely serene, despite the lively rehearsal dinner happening behind her. Smiling off into the distance, she realized this was the most at peace she'd felt in months. Years, if she was totally honest with herself. And as much as she wanted to thank her hometown and her family for that feeling, she knew it really was due to the man stood a few feet behind her laughing loudly with her brothers. The man, who up until five days ago, had been a total stranger.

She couldn't quite believe where she'd found herself...wrapped up in Joe's arms this morning, and then asking him to stay for the holidays. It felt like an alternate reality. Was it really just last week she was panicking with Amy over the total stranger she'd hired to be her fake boyfriend?! Had it just been yesterday he'd kissed her? Admitted he hadn't been acting? And also confessed to the real reason he was an escort - which was much less seedy than she'd been envisioning after all.

Yes, Joe felt like the furthest thing from a stranger now. And she wasn't totally clueless to the fact that she'd probably be freaking out about it, if it weren't for all of the distractions happening around her.

"You look like you got laid," Penny's loud whisper in her ear, caused her to jump.

Distraction number one.

Dianne turned to glare at her cousin, who, despite drinking her weight in alcohol the night before, looked bright and chipper in the golden sunshine, her flowy white dress rippling in the wind.

"So that's a yes," Penny smirked, handing Dianne a glass of champagne, that she took gratefully.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dianne lied, averting her eyes back toward the ocean.

Penny giggled, "You have a glow."

"Everyone has a glow, it's golden hour on the beach," Dianne retorted, but couldn't help but smirk as she took a large sip of the champagne.

"In your parents house," Penny mused, with a matching smirk, "I knew he had to be good."

Dianne reached out to pinch her cousin's waist - a childhood move she hadn't done in years, causing them both to laugh.

"You really do seem happy, Dot," Penny spoke again, a bit quieter.

Dianne glanced back toward her family, watching as Joe pushed his hair back with his hand, a wide smile on his face as he listened to her brother's tell some story that involved lots of animated hand movements. As if he felt her eyes on him, he turned slightly, his grin only growing wider as their eyes connected across the beach.

"I am happy," Dianne murmured back, surprised by the honesty in her voice.

She glanced back to Penny, who was looking at her curiously.

"What?"Dianne asked, suddenly self conscious.

Penny shook her head quickly, "Nothing I'm just surprised. I really thought Will--"

Dianne scoffed, interrupting immediately, "Let's not talk about Will. We did enough of that last night."

She paused as Penny's cheeks turn red, before continuing on, her thoughts drifting to the strange behavior her cousin had shown the night before after a few drinks, "Which speaking of, Pen, I still don't know what you were talking about."

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