New in the Neighborhood. (1)

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Knock Knock Knock.

I set down my hot coffee and make my way to the door. I open it to be greeted by my neighbor, Kattie, who is supposedly moving out in two days.

Kattie, or Gran K as all the neighbors call her, is too old to live by herself so she's moving in with her Daughter and Son in law. I've only lived in my house for around 5 months but Gran K was the first to treat me with kindness and introduce me to everyone. She got a pet dog, Bentley, around the same time I moved in so I would dog sit a lot which is why me and Gran K are very close friends. Ever since, the entire neighborhood has kind of become a family. When we heard the sad news that Gran K would be leaving, we had a big goodbye party and even helped her move some of her things. Nick, one of my other neighbors, was the biggest help.

"Oh, Kattie, it's so good to see you!" I greet and offer to let her in, she declines.

"Oh, I'll be out of your hair soon I just came to ask for a favor." I nod at her request and she carries on speaking. "The nice young man that is going to be occupying my house, he is a young, fresh out of college student like you. He is very sweet and also has an interest in computer stuff. I was hoping you and Nick would be kind enough to greet him to everyone. He said it was his first time living in his own house in a neighborhood and was nervous." She smiles at me.

"Oh, have you met him? What's his name?" I didn't know she was going to meet him, at least she likes him. Always trust Gran k's judgment.

"I met him yesterday when I was showing him around the now empty house, his name's Clay, a fine young fellow. I think you two would get along great." She hands me a card. "He gave me his number but since I'm moving out I don't have much of a use for it. I want you to take good care of him and my house. Anyways, I need to drop off Bentley to my Daughters house before I leave for good. Au revoir." She waves and makes her way down the road to her house, just across the street.

I shut the door and set the card down on a table. Once he moves in I'll make sure he's comfortable. He seems cool enough. I grab my now warm cup of coffee and take a sip. I wonder if we're gonna be good friends like the others.

~~Two Days Later~~

"George!" Nick shouts annoyingly from my front door.

"I know, I know! I forgot give me a second!" I put my boots on and rush down the hall to see him standing in the front door opening with his arms crossed. He's shivering from the snow drifting down outside. "Close the door, it's cold!"

"We're about to leave, idiot. Hurry!"

"I have to get my jacket." I turn back to my room.

"At least tell me you have some house warming gift." He speaks and I roll my eyes. I finally am ready and appear at the front door with him.

"Jesus, Nick. He's not a dog we don't have to get him gifts to let him know we won't kill him." He softly punches my shoulder and I close the door as we make our way down the street.

We reach the pavement that leads to the front porch of the small house. As I make my way closer to the door with Nick, I see light through a open window on the second floor of the tiny home. I glance up and there I see him.

A tall dirty blonde man, hanging a painting on a wall, he's smiling to himself.

Ding Ding.

Gran K's doorbell- sorry- Clay's doorbell chimes through the home, he sets down the painting and disappears from the upstairs room.

A few moments pass.

"Maybe he died?" Nick suggests after a bit of a long wait. I roll my eyes and on que, the door creaks open.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that. This door has three locks on it!" He chuckled and looked at us.

"Oh, yeah Gran K was always afraid of people breaking and entering. I'm Nick. She wanted us to give you a warm welcome- guess that didn't go as planned." He chuckled and held his hand out. Clay laughed at his joke considering the snowy weather.

"Hi Nick, I'm Clay. Yeah I'm not very used to the weather, I'm from Florida after all." He shook his hand.

"I'm from Texas- yeah it's completely crazy." I stand there awkwardly not knowing when to start speaking to introduce myself. Nick takes notice. "And, this is George." He nudges my shoulder and I offer my hand for a shake. Clay takes it.

"Nice to meet you." He grins.

"Nice to meet you too, Clay!"

We stare at each other for a second before he looks back at Nick.

"You guys wanna come in? Come on, I can make some coffee or cocoa if you'd like." He offers and we shuffle in, escaping the cold air.

"Thanks. Actually, we were gonna offer to help you unpack." I speak before Nick can have a chance to.

"Really? You don't have to, I really don't mind." I shake my head.

"No way, it took me a day to convince this moron to help, we're not backing out." I point at Nick and Clay laughs.

"Alright, if you insist." He smiles at me, making eye contact once more. I smile and he looks towards the stairs. "This way, I'm unpacking my art room."

"You like art?" Nick speaks up while we enter the room.

"Oh, yeah! I'm a digital artist! I love painting though. I majored in computer engineering but digital art has kind of always been my side hobby." We enter the colorful room. He has already painted the walls a nice dark navy bluish, Gran K must've let him do that early, and he has set up his art table and aisle, along with his computer and drawing tablet. All that he needs done are some rearrangements and decorations.

"Well this is an awesome setup!" Nick speaks up. And as quickly as we arrived, we finish our task.

We bring in a few canvases and we finish. "Wow! That went by really fast, that you guys so much!" Clay glows and Nick gives a thumbs up, I just smile at the taller man. A alarm on his phone rings through the room, he checks it. "Oh, it's 7;30, y'all should head home soon." Me and Nick nod and wish him a good night while leaving.

"Can we come back and help some more tomorrow?" I ask Clay as he hands me my jacket.

"Actually, I can't come. My little sister has a ukulele recital tomorrow. Maybe Tuesday, though!" He cheers and Clay nods in understanding.

"Well in that case, do you mind if I come tomorrow and help out? Gran K wanted me to introduce you to the other neighbors too and I never let her down so..." He chuckles and smiles at my persistence. His smiles radiate warmth, heh.

"If you want to, you're welcome anytime." He waves us off after it's settled and me and Nick make our way off his porch and down the street.

"Cool dude." He says.

"Yup. Can't wait to see him again tomorrow." Nick rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyways make sure you introduce him to Darryl and Zak." I chuckle.

Darryl and Zak were the 'Best Friends' that are 'roommates' and live next to Nick. Everyone knows they are really just dating or something.

"Welp, see you Tuesday." Nick turns down to his house while I unlock my front door.

"See ya." I wave him off and escape into the warmth of my home. My pet cat rubs his head against my leg and purrs, I pick him up and cuddle him while sitting on my couch.

"So, Cat. Do you think I should actually get him a little gift?" Cat responds by giving a little mewl, which I take as a 'yes'. "Alright then."

"I'll bake him some cookies."

Hope you liked this chapter! Stay comfortable! This'll be pretty short, most likely not gonna be any longer than 10 chapters! :D

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