Glad you're here. (2)

317 13 12

I wake up to my Cat mewling for food. I stumble out of bed and give him some dry food which he gobbled up and I prepare some breakfast. I Check the time to make sure I'm not behind schedule. 8:17am perfect.

I finish my food and get ready. I grab my phone to look through social media before I hit the road since it's still a bit early.

Darryl (Group chat):

Have you talked to the new person yet?

Nick (Group chat):

Yup, spoke to the fresh meat yesterday. Dominance has been asserted.

Me (Group chat):

Oh please Nick he could probably beat you up easy.

Nick (Group chat):


Darryl (Groupchat):

Jesus Nick learn to type properly.

Also get some manners.

Me (Group chat):

Hey Darryl do you mind if I stop by your house and introduce Clay to you and Mr. Best Friend?

Darryl (Group chat): Yeah sure, but we're going out to town at like 3 so sometime before then pls.

Nick (Group chat):

Yeah out on a date.

Darryl (Group chat):

Not this again

I roll my eyes and put on my jacket heading towards the door.

I make my way down the road, my bag of cookies in hand, and I arrive at Clay's front door.

Ding ding.

A few moments pass and I hear shuffling. The door parts and I'm greeted by an exhausted Clay.

"Oh, I probably should have called I didn't mean to wake you-" I quickly start apologizing and he brushes it off.

"No, no. It's fine I needed to get up." He looks disheveled but ready to start the day, he invites me in and I hand him the cookies making him smile. "Mm, thanks!" He gleams and I nod.

He sets the cookies on the table, he managed to set up his kitchen from last night to this morning, he must have stayed up late. "So I was hoping you'd like to meet some of our neighbors today, if not then I can still help unpack and all-" he hands me a cup of coffee and smiles, warmth radiating off of him and onto me. He takes a seat beside me and turned hi chair to be sitting in it backwards facing me.

"Yeah! I'd love to! You and Nick have been really unnecessarily kind and welcoming to me. It really means a lot..." he looks down at his cup of coffee. "I was really really nervous about moving here..." his embarrassed face fails at being hidden and it's almost like I can see right through him.

"Hey, no worries man. You're really cool. Everyone here is like family, we'd love for you to join our weird little family cult." I joke seriously. He avoids eye contact but he can't hide the grin plastered on his face, yet, sadness still costs it slightly.

"Yeah... thank you so much, George..." he mumbles while taking a sip of his coffee. I grab the bag of cookies and hand it to him.

"Treat yourself! Your gonna be meeting some weird ass people today." He laughed and grabbed a cookie, handing me a different one.

"Cheers to that." We tap our cookies together like teacups and eat them. He grabs the last cookie and breaks it in half, handing me the other half. "Here." I feel my heart flutter at his kind gesture. No one's really been so kind as this on one of our first meets. Nick is barely nice to me, how could such a small insignificant action make me feel so happy? I grin and we finish our cookies and coffee.


"Where to first?" He asks me as he puts on his big jacket, preparing to walk out the front door into the icy winds.

"We're gonna stop by Darryl and Zak's house. Then we might meet some others if the two don't take up all the time." I say as we leave the house, walking down the pavement.

He looks confused. "Darryl and Zak?" I nod.

"They're 'roommates'. They live right next to Nick's house so it's only like two houses down, you'll like them.... maybe." He chuckles as we arrive at their front porch.

Ding Dong Ding

The music chimed through the house and within two seconds the door swung open. Darryl welcomes us in quickly hoping not to let any cold air in. "Gosh! I hate the cold so much. You must be Clay, nice to meet you!" Darryl reaches his hand out and shakes Clay's.

"DARRYL WHERE DID YOU PUT MY SWEATER?!" Zak's voice boomed from the second floor and he walked down the stairs to be greeted by visitors. "Oh! Hey George! Hello... Uh..."

"Clay." Clay laughed sticking out his hand to shake.

"Clay!" He shook his hand and we all sat down on the couches.

Minutes passed quickly and we were all having fun discussions learning more about each other. Time ran short and soon it was getting time for us to go. "It was nice to meet you, Clay! Come back anytime!" Darryl waved as we walked out the door.

Once we were away Clay huffed out air as if he was holding it. "They are so gay." He basically wheezes it out and I died laughing.

"EXACTLY!" We joke around until we make it to my house, I take him in. "So are you new to this town or have you lived here before?" I asked while grabbing a bag of chips.

"Nope, just moved here. I lived a few cities away for college and this town just is nice and small, also I work nearby this neighborhood." My face lights up as I learn more about him.

"Wanna go look around town? I can show you some really cool stores and places!" I speak excitedly.

"Yeah! Let's go!" He grins and we quickly put our jackets back on, heading for the car.

I look over at him as I start it, I catch him staring at me and he quickly looks away clearing his throat.

"It's- Uh.. a beautiful town. I'm glad I moved here." He turns back and smiles at me, I smile back ignoring the warmth in my face. 

"I'm glad you moved here too."

As how wholesome. Let's kill of a main character :)

Jkjk I'm swearing off angst on this story cause I am scarred for life by angsty stories.

Anyways hope you liked this chapter! :D stay comfortable!

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