Tomorrow and Today! (3)

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"So, Clay. Tell me more about yourself! You like art as a hobby, you work as a computer something something, gimme the details. Got any pets, or gonna get any? Siblings? A partner? Anything??" He scoffs at my bombardment of questions.

"My life isn't that interesting, okay? Also, I don't know a lot about you. How do I know you're not really taking me to an underground human-trafficking thingy?" I giggle and I notice him smiling a little and pausing. "How about this, for every question you have about me, you have to answer it as if I'm asking you the question as well." I nod and clear my throat.

"Alright, Clay. What's your favorites color?" He laughs.

"Wow, boring first question. Green." I roll my eyes which earns a soft smile from the tall man.

"Mine's Blue, probably cause it's one of the only colors I can see. Oh, yeah I'm colorblind. I should have told you, heh." He chuckles at my sudden explanation.

"That's really interesting.... I'm not." He spoke as if he didn't know how to respond, I burst out laughing.

"Good for you, Clay!" He joins in on the laughing and once it subsides we are left with a happy environment of trust. "Alright, do you have any siblings?" He scoffs as if it's an obnoxious question.

"Three. Two younger siblings, one girl one boy, and my older sister, Diana. They're all annoying." He rolls his eyes as he explains them, I laugh.

"I've never had a sibling, I don't know what it's like but it sounds pretty fun." I chuckle and he smiles as I light up with joy.

"Okay, can I ask a question?" He pops up.

"You just did but sure." I giggle and he follows suit, but quickly quiets.

"Alright, where are we going?" He smiles and watches as we pass different buildings out the window.

"I'm taking you to this cool arcade place that has a roller skating rink in it too!" His face lights up as I explain it to him. "It's super fun, I've only had the chance to go here once and I wasn't very good but it's still enjoyable." His face lights up more.

"When I was kid, we lived a block away from a local roller skate park. I used to go there with my sister all the time! I wonder if I'm still any good at it." I pull into the parking lot and park.

He smiles at me. "Guess we'll find out, let's go." We jump out of the car and make our way to the building, the closer the got the more he got anticipated. Once we were only around 20 feet away from the building he grabbed my hand and dragged me along to it.

"Hurry! I'm excited! C'mon c'mon c'mon." This guy's got adhd. I'll make sure to remember that. I chuckle to myself and quickly follow along with him.

We walk in, our hands still entwined, and make our way to the front desk.

A young girl, maybe around 17 to 18 jumped up from under the desk as if she was busy rearranging thing and smiled at us. "Welcome! Will y'all be skating today or gaming?" I look over at Clay for conformation.

He nods as if he could read my mind and what I was asking. "Skating, today." I speak up and she nods.

"Alright, for two adults it'll be $12.50." She gives a costumer service type smile and I reach into my pocket, removing my hand from his and he does the same.

I notice him pulling out his card. "Oh- I'll pay, you're my guest anyways." I spoke to him and he shook his head.

"Yeah? Well you're short."

"Wh-" he set his card on the desk offering it to the lady as she slid it on the card reader. I roll my eyes. "Whatever, saves me money anyways." He giggles and puts his card away as it's handed to him.

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